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Nuzlocke Rules



A couple of Youtubers I like are doing Nuzlockes, which really made me want to do another one with Pokemon Y. This meant spending most of today getting Zygarde, Mewtwo, and Articuno on my previous Pokemon Y Nuzlocke file to transfer to Omega Ruby. And while I was at it, I spend hours trading items and 'mons over to Ruby, so I wouldn't have to collect the Mega Stones again or save up battle points for items. Luckily I could borrow my sister's 3DS to do this.


Finally, it's time to start. Since everyone does it a little differently, and to hold myself accountable, here's my take on Nuzlocke-ing:

  1. If a Pokemon faints, it's dead and must be released. Actually released, no RIP box or cop-outs like that. I broke down and made a RIP box last time, but this time a death is a death.
  2. Only the first Pokemon encountered in an area may be caught. This excludes trainer battles, but static encounters like the Mega Lucario, Legendaries, and such do count. I'm not using the duplicates clause, if I get duplicates, I have to use duplicates. I'm using/inventing the Shiny Clause. Any shiny I encounter is presumably a gift from Arceus, and I'll catch it and use it.
  3. No running away from battles, ever.
  4. Change battle style to "set".
  5. No Exp. Share. I used it last time, but this time I don't want any Pokemon I don't use to suddenly be high-level.
  6. While in battle, no using items (obviously excluding Pokeballs), except when the opposing trainer uses an item, in which case I may match the opponent item-for-item.
  7. Pokemon can hold any items.
  8. I'll use Pokecenters as much as I like. I'm not ready to go that hardcore.
  9. I'm choosing my starter. I'd like to go random, but one benefit to replaying Y is finally being able to catch Zapdos at the end of it, and for that I have to choose Fenneken. Though I hate the ear-hair.



Thus far my team is Magus the lv. 7 Fenniken and Killion the lv. 3 Pidgey. I'll probably update with my progress from time to time. It's a little cliche and boring in blog format, but I'd like a record to be kept of the brave Pokemon souls who will sacrifice themselves for me. Maybe. Hopefully there are no fatalities. Ha.


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I use level caps to avoid the cycle between long grinding and pulverizing of enemies. But they're only necessary if one grinds more than a couple levels, so YMMV.

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