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I wish we could type things in different fonts in search engines. Sometimes I search things and I'm surprised they actually exist. Sometimes I search things and I'm disappointed they don't exist. Sometimes I search things and I end up with completely irrelevant results.


And for some reason, over the past few days, my mind has been wanting me to say 'Telephone' as if it were the pinnacle of all humour. What's so humorous about the word telephone, mind? I'd like to know why I giggle at the word telephone. Telephone. Telephone. Telephone. Te-le-phone. Why must I find this word hilarious suddenly? It'll go away eventually, hopefully, like the many other things I find humorous for six days and then stop thinking about. Almost posted a blog entry suggesting that anthropomorphic telephones are the enemy for BIONICLE 2017. Glad I didn't, that's a clear attempt at trying to be funny. Trying too little or too hard, and I find that humour ends up being forced and unfunny, you have to be told it's apparently funny. Granted, people have different senses of humour, but nobody thinks telephones are hilarious other than my stupid and unfunny mind right now. Once the 'hahaha randomness!' factor fades, so does the humour.


Also, don't play things that are survival-horror-ish at 01:00 in the morning.


Also, I'm suddenly curious to ask the following, about games, specifically, video games:

  1. What's your favourite genre of game?
  2. What's your favourite game series?
  3. What's your favourite stand-alone game not part of a series?
  4. What's your favourite expansion to a game (not downloadable content - an expansion is something much larger, at least that's how I choose to perceive the word)?
  5. What's your favourite DLC of a game?
  6. What's the worst game you've ever played that isn't that E.T. game or that superman game or any famous bad games?
  7. What games are you looking forward to?
  8. BIONICLE G2 gets a game. What genre is it and what is its defining mechanics?
  9. What game has the best music?
  10. Seriously: what's funny about telephones?

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  1. Sandbox RPG, probably.

  2. Ooh. Mass Effect, I think?

Crawl or Dishonored

Dragonborn for Skyrim. Nice and big addition to the game.

Old World Blues or Citadel for Fallout: New Vegas and Mass Effect 3, respectively.

I don't even remember the name but it was something on Wii I could not figure out at all.

Batman: Arkham Knight, eventual Mass Effect 4.

Sandbox RPG with Character Creation, First/third person views, and a wide variety of combat/noncombat skills

Hotline Miami series


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1: Telephone

2: Telephones

3: Cellphone

4: Telephone Cords

5: Phone de la Tele

6: Telegram

7: Watch Phones but not the kind they're currently coming out with

8: Anthropomorphic telephones are the enemies!!

9: Telephone

10: I dunno?



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  • ARPG
  • Souls>Metroid>Paper Mario
  • The World Ends With You (Edited because lol, I forgot about it until the music question. Bastion is a solid second, though)
  • Artorias of the Abyss seems like it qualifies.
  • Gonna have to mirror Old World Blues here, actually.
  • I dunno, I don't play many games I wouldn't enjoy.
  • None in particular, at the moment.
  • Probably a shooter, similar to Heroes.
  • The World Ends With You>Dark Souls>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • Glitzville phone booth. 'Nuff said.

*Snaps fingers*

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1. Action Adventure/Action RPG

2. Monster Hunter, Mega Man(all sub series), Azure Striker Gunvolt, The Legend of Zelda...

3. The World Ends With You

4. The Ultimate expansions to the Monster Hunter games, which tend to add a bunch of stuff(to the point where Capcom of America actually held off localizing 4 when they caught wind of 4 Ultimate, I think), but the only downside is that it's not a DLC expansion set currently, but it does have the entire first game on it so it can be forgiven.

5. Hmm... Very good question there,

6. Hm, I'm trying to think, but not really seeing anything I hated, so...


8. It's a remake of Bionicle: The Game, but now with more glitches and more character swapping!

9. The World Ends With You, Pokemon Black/White/2/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Mega Man...


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1. RPGs in general, be them sandbox, open world, or JRPGs.

2.  Series-wise? uh...metroid. yes. shame no game has come out since corruption.

3. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (yes it's part of a series but the entire series isn't my favorite so SOLO GAME)

4. I dunno.

5. I dunno.

6. BIONICLE: The Game. oh god

it was so bad.


8. what xae said. Exploring Otoko as an Okotoan or something would be sweet.

9. haven't listened to all the game soundtracks ever, but Explorers of Sky, Bastion, and Xenoblade Chronicles have p good soundtracks.

10. bananas are better.

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1. I really like real time strategy games, first person shooters, and puzzle games. No real personal favorite- the only requirement I have to answer the question "is this game good" is "am I having fun?"


2. For strategy games, Age of Empires 2. In addition to being (somewhat) educational I think the series offers enough diversity amongst it's entries, maps, and armies to keep things interesting. For the second, Battlefield 1942. Games are simple, to the point, and don't take too long. Having so many adjustment controls makes it easy to tweak the game per your liking as well.


3. PONG. A better game has never been made.


4. The Age of Empires expansion. I don't remember what it's called but it added Aztecs so it wins automatically.


5. NA. Never played games with DLC (downloadable content, right?)


6. I really did not like the 2004 BIONICLE game for Gameboy.


7. None, unless we get another Age of Empires or Battlefield 1942 expansion... neither of which is happening, I assume.


8. Okoto Online Game or don't even bother.


9. Another shout out to Age of Empires 2 here... not that I've really played anything else with more memorable music.


10. The fact that I get more SPAM calls than anything else. I'd almost rather not even have a phone.

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Answering my own questions as others have done, because why not?


1. RPG seems to be a very popular choice here, I'd say it's my favourite genre of video game too. Well, specifically, the cRPG and aRPG subgenres of RPG.

2. Currently, it's by far the Fallout series. Played Fallout 1 and 2, played 3 and NV. Just so great. Childhood favourite series though is the three original Spyro the Dragon games. I'll always remember the first games I ever played.

3. Transistor.

4. So far, Dragonborn. Then again, I have't had much experience with expansions for games. Very rare these days, but from what I know it seems they were far more common pre-2006.

5. Knife of Dunwall, for Dishonored. Improved upon base game with its own story. 

6. I played a lot of shovelware made for the PS2 when I was younger. I can't remember the names of some of them but I have to agree, BIONICLE: The Game With No Effort Put Into It is memorable for all the wrong reasons. 

7. I can't really say. Ask me a year ago, and I'd say Transistor. Ask me today, and I have no clue. It hasn't been officially announced, but I'm hoping for Fallout 4 eventually. 

8. I think a point-and-click adventure game would work well, especially given the target audience and the tablet-aimed media. Though that'd be if it were a web game in the style of the animations. Could be longer if an actual game. As something other than a point-and-click, I'd agree with a sandbox RPG of Okoto. Lots of character creation potential with colours, element, weapons, shell-armor, shell-attachments. Find masks in dungeons? Sure thing. 

9. Transistor, in my opinion. 

10. I've figured it out: it sounds funny if you say it lots of times very rapidly. Telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone.  Sodium Telephonate.

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1] No specific type of RPG.


2] The Elder Scrolls.


3] Minecraft.


4] Diablo III's Reaper of Souls.


5] Oblivion's Horse Armor.


6] I can't think of anything off the top of my head...probably some MiniClip game I played in middle school.


7] At the moment not much, I guess TES VI.


8] Hack 'n Slash, the exact same as the Skull Spider game but with Skull Villains instead.


9] Bastion.


10] Dropping them on your face when you're lying on a bed.

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1. RTS

2. Age of Empires

3. ?

4. Age of Empires II: The Conquerors

5. N/A

6. Age of Empires I :P

7. N/A


9. Age of Empires III

10. They talk back?

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A warning: usually I do not actually play video games. Most of my enjoyment of video games comes from watching my brother play them.


1. Graphic adventure games! You know, things like Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and MNOG.


2. Hmm, hard to say. Professor Layton, probably.


3. Does LEGO City Undercover count? No, wait, it had a 3DS prequel, so I guess that makes it a series. In that case... hmm... Ghost Trick? Not sure.


4/5. I haven't played many games that have expansions or DLC. Unless the fifth case in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney counts as an expansion (the original Game Boy Advance game in Japan originally had four cases, but a fifth case was added in the Nintendo DS port, which is the version America got). And I guess MOST of the cases in the iOS "Ace Attorney Trilogy HD" are DLC, so those might count even though they weren't DLC in the original releases.


6. The freemium My Little Pony game for iOS, probably. I enjoyed it for a while as a time-waster (because cute ponies!), but it is very blatantly "pay-to-win". Getting all the ponies and buildings without spending real money is nigh-impossible.


7. I'm looking forward to more information on the tentatively-titled Layton 7, but not necessarily to the game itself unless it turns out the previous glimpses we've gotten were extremely misleading. It definitely does not look like a traditional Professor Layton game. Also, Zoombinis!


8. Oh, gosh, I don't know. I loved the Mata Nui Online Game. At the same time, I fully recognize that it did not do an especially good job capturing the spirit of the BIONICLE sets, since BIONICLE is based around fighting action figures with elemental powers, whereas the MNOG had very little playable combat and didn't let you use any elemental powers. So as great as it was, it doesn't surprise me at all that the LEGO Group has not tried to emulate that sort of experience since the MNOG2 in 2003.


At this point I think the LEGO Elves theme would be a better fit for an immersive adventure game of that sort, while BIONICLE would be better served by an action/adventure game or even a straight action game. Obviously, you ought to be able to play as a Toa and fight both physically and with your elemental powers. But besides that, I have no idea — I don't know that I've ever played a game that has the same type of action and combat as the BIONICLE universe, let alone enjoyed one.


9. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, maybe? Or Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy? I can't find a full soundtrack of the latter, though, except the game's own sound test.


10. {insert telephone joke here}

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1. I like action oriented games. inFamous, Kingdom Hearts, etc. Also RPGs, obviously, so Pokemon, Persona, etc.


2. Probably Kingdom Hearts. I've given my reasons here before, it just has that little bit of everything amazing.


3. I tend not to buy outside of sequels or series because ain't nobody got time for that. I just finished Transistor, though, and LOVED it. Way better than Bastion.


4. I do interchange this with DLC, but in terms of standalone, inFamous First Light is actually really good. Strong female protagonist, fun gameplay, lots of replay value.


5. For stuff that's tied to the original game, BioShock Infinite's "Burial At Sea". The perfect end to the series. inFamous: Second Son actually had this neat DLC/Augmented Reality game that required a lot of puzzle solving in addition to the normal chasing and fighting. It was fun.


6. I'll probably get flack for this, but Pokemon: Black and White Versions are some of the most unpleasant games I have ever played. Completely personal; the Pokemon mechanics were sound, obviously, but the terrible and unnecessarily morose plot, the muddled themes, uninteresting sound design and the art direction were so very very disappointing. It was the first Pokemon game I had gotten at launch since Emerald, so it was a poor experience.


7. Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5. Hopefully at least one of them will be on the Vita...


8. Action platformer. It will have awesome environments and characters, decent enough puzzles, and terrible combat.


9. The World Ends With You or Persona 4. I wasn't really a fan of j-pop/j-rock, but these games opened my ears, so to speak.


10. How dare you speak about trombones that way

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