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For fans of the TV show Smallville, you'll know 33.1 to be a scary place...a place which I had the unfortunate experience of visiting. Let me spin you a yarn...


My dad and my sister Alex (senior in high school) and myself were visiting my oldest college sister, Kathryn (who is in servere pain because she can't eat anything and anytime she does she throws up [please keep her in your prayers]) and we were heading into the elevator. I pressed the button to go to the first floor, and then accidentally leaned against the buttons and pressed the third floor. Since we were on the fourth floor, we stopped at the third floor and got out (not knowing that we weren't on the first floor). No one was around, and very few lights lit the long corridors. We walked along and saw gray doors and signs that said "TESTING FACILITY." We were all freaked out. We still couldn't find anyone, but we heard a tapping. Soon enough, a nurse came walking down the hall. She told us we shouldn't be there, and then led us through the hospital for ten minutes until we came out where we were parked. We thanked her and headed to our car. We're still freaked out. There were some of theose one-way windows there, too. Maybe they were testing us...


If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?


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Your poor sister. :( I'll pray for her.


Through the darkened corridors you wandered, lost and bewildered, unable to find the way back and too paralyzed with fear to make your way forward, when behold! A nurse happens along and assists you in your peril, guiding you to the longed-for exist and waving you off!


Space is off-limits. :P




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