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Update: No Jury Duty!

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I pop in again and let you all know all how jury duty went since I mention it in the last entry.


I went in at 7:40 AM, which is early since its start at like 8:30 AM. And well, after finding my way around with signs, I went inside the right building and went thru the metal detector (First time I been through one of those. Put my book, keys, wallet, and phone in scan thingy.).


Once that was done, I follow signs again to Jury Assembly and I gave my notice paper to folks at the desk there. After that, I start to wait for other people to show up, so they could start (I was like second person to arrival there.). I am glad I brought a book as I would been bored. XD


Oh, and for those wondering what book I was reading, its "Sphere," by Michael Crichton. I actually had this book for awhile since I brought it after I enjoyed some of Michael Crichton's other literature works (Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and The Andromeda Strain).


But well, I never got around to read it until now. I mean it was either this book or Star Wars: Survivor's Quest; which I admit I am not that familiar with all Star Wars EU stuff (Not that it matters too much now due to these stories being non-canon by Disney.), so I thought that one might cause confusion for me.


But anyway, it was actually rather fitting that I start reading "Sphere" as apparently its about a three hundred year old alien spacecraft being discovered in Pacific Ocean. I say its fitting because I start about a month or so ago watching the X-Files, which has its share of extraterrestrial stories as well (By the way, I am currently on Season 6 of the X-Files. Although I still got to watch the movie that goes between it and season 5, so I am not exactly on season 6 just yet.).


Of course, I didn't get very far into that book before we start filling out some jury paperwork (Basically a questionnaire and donation form to donate your jury duty money to one of three special programs.). I think I was on like page 26 (Yeah, I know you and my sister would been like halfway through the book with time I had.). After we finished that, they gave us a bathroom break around 9:40 AM, I think.


And when we return (10:00 AM), they basically told us the case has been settle out of the court and sent us all home. So yeah, that was my first jury duty experience. I must admit I was kind of relief by that news. Not because I had a problem with performing my civic duty, but rather it was due my nerves finally calm down.


I don't know how describe it really, but new things like this always get me work up. I guess because I worried a lot about screwing up and well, interacting with new people in general. (Which is why I kind of glad I won't be going alone on that trip this summer. I am going to need a familiar face to at least try to help keep that in check.)


Oh, and they did count me being there as the jury duty being served, so I shouldn't be called until next year, I guess. Alright, that's about it really. I can't think of anything else talk about. I mean I hadn't really done any more work on spaceship MOCs (Did I mention those here or was that just on Twitter? I don't remember. XD), so nothing new to mention about them.


Hm...I guess I mention really quick that I ended up picking a "NEW" 3DS XL. I must admit I wasn't planning on getting one this soon, especially since I usually don't upgrade my systems (If you want proof of that, just ask me about my original DS. I kept that system until original 3DS came out.).


But well, since I would like play Xenoblade Chronicles 3D at some point in the future and Majora's Mask Edition of "New" 3DS XL came back in stock, I decided to get it early. I hadn't got around to using it yet, but it definitely seem like it faster than my old 3DS was. I am looking forward to trying it out with some games (Like Kid Icarus: Uprising as I am curious how it will play with second analog stick.).


Okay, I think that's enough from me for today. As always, I hope you have a good week and thank you for taking the time to read this. Oh, and thanks again to those that commented in the last entry, I appreciate it. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015

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See, I told you something like this could still happen!

I don't plan on getting a New 3DS XL unless some must-have software drops for it. I had wanted to upgrade to the standard New 3DS, but I don't think I could go for the XL without having to buy a new wardrobe with bigger pockets. I hear that Kid Icarus: Uprising doesn't benefit much from it, considering it normally only uses a second stick to reverse the controls for lefties, and the "nub" on the New 3DS does not allow for the same fine control as the circle pad.

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