So this Wednesday is going be the first time that I been summoned to be a juror before. I must admit I am kind of nervous about the idea of sitting in on a court case (Well, assuming they pick me for the case.).
But well, I guess the Ace Attorney games have prepared me for it.
*One of the Pursuit themes from Ace Attorney series starts playing*
… Okay, speaking seriously again, I hope I do a decent job at it, assuming they pick me. I mean I don’t really know what involve with it, outside of a lot of waiting and working with the other jurors involved (Again, assuming they pick me for the jury.) and well, losing a day’s pay at work (Which means no overtime this week...) since the court only paying me $9/Day to be there.
Oh and you have to go through some sort of interview process for them to see if you are right juror for the case. *shrugs*
So yeah, I would appreciate any advice that you veteran jurors might have. Hm…I guess I should maybe bring a book or something with me, so I have something to do during the waiting parts.
I would bring my 3DS, but I imagine that would probably be frown upon in the courts. That and well, you do have to go through a metal detector to enter the place, so I think it would be best not to carry a ton of electronic stuff as it means more stuff to keep track of. *shrugs*
Again, I would appreciate hearing any advice you folks might have.
With that said, I think that’s it for this entry. I am sorry that it was kind dull read. Thanks for taking the time to read it and I hope you all have a great week. Talk to you later, BZPers.
- JMJ 2015
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