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YouTube music copyright research



So today I went to go browse the YouTube copyright regulations for music, because I have interest in developing some video productions for said place.


For most of what I had in mind, I wanted to use my own music (kinda lame - don't ask), or just some free sound effects. But I also had interest in doing some music videos with amazingly awesome catchy tunes. And I would offer the latter for free - no monetization where I would make a bunch of kickback from YouTube's ad system.


I got a bunch of conflicting information that really didn't tell me too much, except for one universal theme: This is too hard. Don't do this.


Which confuses me. Because if I actually go to YouTube, I see a freaking ton of lyric videos of songs by major artists. There is like 10 lyric videos for 1 Kelly Clarkson song. It is absurd. None of those people get blasted with content ID matches and copyright claims and strikes. And I'm willing to bet that most of them did not get in contact with a record label (one source said that this was a convoluted procedure, and another said that different artists with different labels could collaborate on a song, making the whole thing an expensive legal mess) and possibly pay a bunch of money (estimates of how much ranged from dirt cheap to ridiculously expensive).


I mean, come on, Glove and Boots must do it somehow. They freaking got PSY Gangnam style footage in their video and Pomplamoose and played "Beautiful". They didn't get hit with copyright infringement, and they're a pretty prominent channel. And it's strongly implied that the creators of said show aren't trust fund babies that can afford to shell out a pretty penny for a song.


Either labels are really lax about copyright infringement, or something is up here. And it's irritating to the few of us who would actually want to try to do the things by the book to avoid getting our videos taken down, our accounts struck and banned, and lawsuits.

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It's weird because YouTube lists the music in people's videos now, so clearly they could take down the videos if they wanted to, they just don't.  :shrugs: My hunch is that YouTube pays its ad money to the record labels instead of to the video creators whenever copyrighted music gets involved.

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They certainly do for those vevo videos. And the #hashtag lists, which I'm finding useful these days.


But if you want a lyric video, you need an independent video producer 9 times out of ten. And those technically aren't legal, and don't get taken down.


What bothers me is "popularity quotient slamming." If your YouTube channel gets popular, then it will become more visible to copyright owners, and then your channel will get shut down.  

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There are two major ways companies go about protecting their copyrights on YouTube.
1) Take the video down. This does very little in the big scheme of things and is only likely to make people mad.
2) Monetize the video. The creator keeps the video up, but the ad revenue goes directly to the copyright holder.

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I upload music on YouTube, and I have never gotten in trouble except on one occasion. I didn't exactly get in trouble per-say, but one of the co-creators (Nihl Finch) for an album I uploaded (Les Friction) contacted me on how i forgot to give him credit in my credit area in the video descriptions. I told him I couldn't fix it immediately but i will eventually get to it. The guy must have been patient because I forgot about the ordeal for three months and then I remembered to go fix that. He never contacted me again.


Funny how if you do something right no one will say anything about it, but if you do something wrong then people will talk about it.

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