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Day Five of BrickFair VA - Last Day

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am back home now, so I thought I would pop back in and give one last little recap of BrickFair VA here.


So as you all probably know already, yesterday was last day of BrickFair VA. So what I do that day? Well, like I said in previous entry, I went in a bit later (Around 1:20 PM) for public hours as well, I didn't feel like standing near my MOCs for another six hours as honestly that can get a bit tiring on the legs after awhile. Also as mentioned earlier, my friend didn't come over that day as he was pretty sore from the laser tag thing, so I guess you could say yesterday was kind what it would been like if I took the trip alone (Although I would argued that I likely shut myself in the hotel room a lot during the first couple of days.).


But anyway, when I arrived there, I saw that Makuta Luroka and his friend were already there and they had chairs, so I guess they did the smart thing and figure out where to get chairs at (I didn't do that since I had no idea who to ask and I didn't want to take chairs from more popular area.). Since it looked like they got things mostly covered, I just chilled there and sat on the floor occasionally.


Eventually I kind of decided to just play Animal Crossing: New Leaf since I was barely getting any Miis in my plaza. I spent a bit of time removing weeds from the town, removing the bugs from my house, and clearing out streetpass home thing.


At some point while I was doing this, I was graced by the presence of BZPower resident dinosaur expert, Jess. That was pretty cool. Although I guess I might have intimidate or shock her a little when I say goodbye to her at the end of convention. I am sorry if I did, I just thought I should say good bye to you is all.


Sometime after meeting Jess, Makuta Luroka had to go, so I say my goodbyes to the awesome dude. And well, I decided I might as well use the chair since he wasn't coming back and all. And little bit after that, Team Farm Animals crew came over to do their hatpile thing in the corner. They needed a chair, so I thought I might as well give to them as I was pretty used to standing by now, so I gave it to them.


And just before they decided to do this, Makuta Luroka MOC (Like I mention last time, that MOC is really top heavy.) fell over again. I was just leave it be since I don't really have permission to touch it. But while Team Farm Animals were doing their thing, someone from public told me to fix it, so I gently put it back up.


So while Team Farm Animals did their thing, I just continue watching over the MOCs basically. XD They ended up doing two versions since apparently they missed some hats. After they were done with that, they head back to area. Although AT and Lady K apparently held back as Lady K apparently noticed that MOCs I was standing near were in fact mines (Lady K knows my real name since I am one of her patrons, which I originally kept that a secret from her and everyone since I didn't want attention for that really. But I kind of let the cat of the bag about that a couple of months ago. XD), so she decided to look at them.


Apparently she liked the design of Matoro One and AT like my Kolhii Team names, so that was nice. Thanks for that. At the some point after that, Lady K ask if she could do a selfie with me for some reason (I guess for memory's sake, although why I am worth remembering is beyond me.). Now personally I am not a fan of people taking pictures of me (Much like I am not fan of people entering my personal space to do something like a hug. *shrugs*), but I decided to let her since I didn't see any harm in it really.


After that, I was left on my own and just did what I did during Saturday Public Hours mostly, which is be kind and friendly to the public people. At some point, a mother and daughter attendee shown up to sit near their MOCs (Apparently their MOCs were right next to mines and all.) and I decide to give my seat to the mother as I am used standing by now,


And well, I end up having a bit a conversation with her and her daughter. It was interesting. Uh, usually I am terrible at small talk, but I did well there for what its worth. (If only I was good at that when I talk to with BZPers here.) I guess offering someone a chair is good way to start a conversation. XD


So I did for that awhile and eventually when there wasn't anymore conversations going on, I decide to head over to where Aanchir was sitting as I thought I was on a roll with be sociable and I didn't really get talk much to him throughout this trip (Which I thought was kind of surprising as I like Chir Bros and all), so I decided to do that. It was interesting conversation. I asked if he was having good BrickFair VA, which he say yes to. Although naturally he was sad as it is last day and he won't see a lot of people again until next year (I can't blame him for feeling that way really.).


Oh, I like his metaphor of me being like Kellam from Fire Emblem: Awakening as it is very true that I was forgotten a lot. XD Although I can't blame people as I wasn't there a lot during Wednesday through Fridays. That and let's be honest I am pretty dull person in general as I did spent good part of BrickFair VA pacing around when I was there. XD


After that, I kind let him go back to rest and head back to my section. I talked a bit more with mother and daughter pair. Eventually the public ended and the mother and daughter pair decided to start packing up their MOCs as they were planning on leaving to get a meal and come back for Closing Ceremonies. Before they left, I realized I never did tell them my name (Its not JMJ obviously.), so I did that.


And well, I was alone again, so I packed up my MOCs for Black Six and gave them to him (Please tell me you took that box, Black Six. I am kind of scared that you left it.). I attended the closing ceremonies. Not much say about that since I wasn't lucky. XD


After that ended, I was kind like "I guess I should leave." I mean I want to say good bye to Chir Brothers, but I wasn't sure where to find them. I ended up saying good bye to Sumiki and Pablo though. Also oddly I have no problem with Pablo hugging me good bye (I am not sure why exactly. I must of been in a real good mood that day.). Then again, I was going to hug Sumiki, if he wasn't holding a box. XD


The last person at the convention that I said good bye to was Jess. I apologize again, I just thought I should say good bye to you is all.


After that, I kind headed back to hotel and I thought that was going be it for the day. But I kind offer online that if anyone want to say good bye to me. I could meet them in the lobby at the some point. And Black Six let me know that they meeting there anyway before they headed off to their fancy dinner. I wasn't going to go to dinner though as I didn't pack anything for that and I am a really pick eater (Trust me, my friend can confirmed this.).


Still I went down to say good bye to people, if they want say bye to me and stuff. And well, I met ChocolateFrogs and Not Makaru in that lobby. That was interesting. Especially ChocolateFrogs, who for some reason was trying to hunt me down or something. He never explain the reasoning for that really.


But he kind of left before I can find out why, so I never did. And then more professionally dressed adults show up, Black Six shook my hand, and that was it. I say good bye. I went back to elevator to go to my room on third floor. I ate some pizza (My friend had brought Pizza, while I was away at the convention) and watch some Youtube stuff.


That was last day of BrickFair VA for me. Overall I thought it was pretty fun trip. I got to meet some cool people, check out the Air & Space Museum, see a cool movie (Ant-Man), had a conversation with some people, saw some cool creations, ect.


Would I go again? I am not sure at this point. It is certainly possible. Although it wasn't very cheap by any means (I mean hotel stay cost like $582.40! Oh, that's going to be fun paying off at the end of the month.). So if there was any reason not to go would be money related really. *shrugs*


And well, my friend did have a good time during the trip, so it is possible that we might do it again. Or I might do it on own. We'll see, I guess. Its still a year away, so it is hard to say either way at this point.


Alright, that's enough rambling. I'll probably have my pictures and stuff up later in the week as I am too tired to deal with that now.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have great week. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015

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I'm sorry if my hug when we first met was initially uncomfortable! but I'm really happy you came! sorry I didn't talk a lot to you, I had a lot going on


see you next year? (:

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@Lady K: Its fine. No need to apologize. I mean you did ask if it was alright, so its my own fault really. So sorry for that.


And well, don't sweat it. I wouldn't been that interesting to talk to really. XD


Oh, and once again, I am sorry that I was coward today and kind hid by hotel phones area. I want to say good bye, but I am kind afraid to. Sorry.


And I guess I'll see you next year, assuming I am there.


- JMJ 2015

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Apologies as well about the hugging thing; it's so hardwired I forget to be more mindful! (Though I'm glad to hear that it wasn't too much of a bother then).

Apologies as well that we didn't talk more (BrickFair Funk took up way too much of our time :P ), but I am glad we got to say goodbye before BrickFair ended! :)

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You did not meet me this weekend. You're likely thinking of Letagi. I was not present this year.


Sorry for the confusion!

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You're likely thinking of Letagi.

Yup, that was me - another awkwardly tall Canadian. It was nice meeting you, however briefly. :)


We missed you, Mak! Although I'm a little befuddled as to how you came to the conclusion it was me.



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The only reason JMJ could have thought I was there is because he met a tall handsome Canadian with glasses. I was hanging out with Janus this weekend so that knocks two of the three out of the running.

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@ Zatth (Pablo): Eh, like I said with Lady K, don't sweat it. I wouldn't been that interesting to talk to really.



@ Makaru, Not Makaru, Makaru: Oh... *faceplam* I am sorry.


I actually thought Letagi had said he was Makaru when he met me, so that's why I drew that conclusion. Although afterwards, I did think it was weird as I didn't recall you being on list of BZPers that say they would be there this year.


That and later when I was writing this entry, I noticed that Letagi had me on his list of people that he met and I thought "Wait... I met him? When was that? *scratch head*"


Like I was thinking he might of been that guy who left early after public hour, but now I think that must been maybe GSR. XD


So yeah, sorry about that. I'll corrected that in the entry here.


- JMJ 2015

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I'm glad you had a good time overall. And don't feel bad that it was a bit awkward for you at times. I've been going to BrickFair for over five years, and it wasn't until a couple years ago that I stopped feeling really awkward around the rest of the BZPower crew. Finding a place among a group of friends who already knows each other really well can be tough, but you can rest assured that we're generally a really nice bunch and want to help you feel welcome in any way we can.

Oh, and I think that was me and not Lyichir that you talked to, but people make that mistake all the time — it's not just you. XD


Sorry you weren't able to find us to say goodbye after the public hours ended. It was a bit hectic at that point trying to make sure I had all my MOCs packed up, since unlike a lot of the people at the Bionicle table I also had MOCs in some of the other categories like Space and Sculpture. Not to mention that during a lot of the convention I was sort of preoccupied with my own thoughts. This is one of my only chances each year to connect with a lot of my online friends in real life, and needless to say it can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster! I'm glad you got to enjoy the whole event this year, and I hope to see you again next year. :)

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Although I guess I might have intimidate or shock her a little when I say goodbye to her at the end of convention. I am sorry if I did, I just thought I should say good bye to you is all.



I'm trying to remember when this happened, but chances are it happened when I was pretty much on the verge of a meltdown. I'm sorry I gave you the impression you intimidated me or anything; it was very nice to meet you. I was just in a bad place.

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@Aanchir: Yeah, Laser Tag thing was especially awkward thing for me, which is why I was quiet and try to stay far off from other people mostly. But yeah, overall I had a good time and you all are generally a nice bunch as you said.


Oh, shoot... I think you are right. I don't know why I remember the badge saying Lyichir on it. Especially since I am pretty sure I call you Scott and I have try mentally engraved in my brain that Aanchir = Scott, Lyichir = Andrew as I know I can't pronounced your usernames.


Really I can barely pronounced any BIONICLE names I am not even sure if I say Makuta right when I was talking about Makuta Luroka MOC. I definitely don't know how to say Luroka. XD


I am so sorry about that. I'll corrected that.


Well, actually I meant after closing ceremonies thing, but I guess you probably still had MOCs to pack up at that point as technically the schedule say MOC tear down happen after that. Either way, I am sorry that I didn't get to say good bye to you both.


And well, if I go next year, I hope to see you folks again.


@Dina Saruyama: It was after the closing ceremonies around like 7-ish, I guess. I am actually was going to say good bye to Black Six after you, while I was there. But I recalled that he was kind of busy, so I just kind of left after saying, "See ya, Jess" to you.


But anyway, I hope you are alright. Sounds like you might have rough final day. =(


- JMJ 2015

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You can rest assured that I have your MOCs and they are safe and sound.


I'm glad you made it to the full event this year and I hope you consider coming back next year. Most of us are pretty socially awkward to some degree, and I know these events have helped me not be so nervous when it comes to talking to people.

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Well I see your name stand out on the Board, and for some reason I thought we were going to connect at previous conventions for whatever reason but never did. But maybe I'm confusing that for someone else. Oh well.



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@Black Six: Okay, that's good to hear. Thanks, Black Six.


And well, I must admit I am considering coming back again.


@ChocolateFrogs: Well, I was involved with your past Mosaic projects here (I still have my three Mosaic Parts actually since I never took them apart.) I also helped Jason [xccj] with a school project thing that he did involving LEGO.


I wouldn't be too surprised if that's why my username stood out to you.


I do recall in the past considering attending BrickFair VA before and possible staying with you and others. But nothing really came from that as I technically didn't have a way to get down to Virginia back then (Technically I still don't since I don't drive and only manage to do it this time due to kindness of a friend.). Hm... I probably have an archive of that PM somewhere since I tend to keep that kind of thing.


But anyway, my point in that part of this entry was that I didn't understand why I was worth hunting for really. I mean I am no one special or interesting really, so I always find it odd when people put a value on me as if meeting me will be highlight of ones' BrickFair experience or something. *shrugs*


Still though, it was cool meeting you in person finally.


- JMJ 2015

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