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BrickFair 2015 Recap



Seeing as I have another four hours to wait here in Dallas, I might as well do a quick review of the past few days.


I flew to Baltimore at around midnight on Tuesday night. After a layover in Toronto, I arrived at BWI at 10:00am, whereupon Xaeraz and his dad picked me up on their way to BrickFair. A good amount of laughter and like-minded political discussion took place, in particular whilst driving by NRA headquarters.


Our timing turned out to be impeccable, as we arrived at BrickFair almost exactly at opening time. After checking in, an unexpected parts draft run by Black Six ensued and free LEGO was acquired.


Recalling all the details of the next few days would be a considerable challenge, as I was utterly sleep deprived almost the whole time. But one of the defining characteristics of this con was the amount of socializing; out of the nine cons I've attended, I think BrickFair was the one at which I spent the least amount of time per day at the con itself, and the most time chilling with friends elsewhere.


Highlights of the last five days include: putting more than a dozen more faces to their respective screen names, reconnecting with people I haven't seen in six years, debauchery and shenanigans with friends, laughing with/at Team Farm Animals, making fun of awful TV shows, watching sunsets, Mark Knopfler, staying up all night and sleeping half the day.


The quality of the trip was, I admit, somewhat muddied by various resurgences of my anxiety, which doesn't usually bother me much, but I got through it all without too much suffering. The low quality of the most easily available food and the challenge of finding decent vegetarian options greatly contributed to this.


My take on the con itself is mixed. This con has three times as many people as the West Coast cons I attend regularly, but oddly enough, doesn't seem to have a much greater number of MOCs (possibly even fewer; a comparison is difficult because of the drastically differing venue sizes and subsequently inconsistent concentration of MOCs per unit area). I also noticed that the average quality of MOCs at BrickFair seems to be lower than at BrickCon. And while BrickFair is clearly well-organized, I actually enjoy the organization of BrickCon more; I find the activities more enjoyable and relevant to the purpose of the con.


I'm not sure if I'll be attending BrickFair again. If I do, it'll be for the primary purpose of spending time with the friends I so rarely get to see, with the con itself being secondary.




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The MOC situation was weird. I've never seen such a low turnout at Brickfair before, and it's been discussed in the backend after the con has ended now too. I've never been able to say Brickcon has a better display based on quality before, because Brickfair normally blows the rest out of the water, but MOC registration and talent was weirdly low this year. Same with public attendance, where we did less than half what we normally do.


Just a really weird year.

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The MOC situation was weird. I've never seen such a low turnout at Brickfair before, and it's been discussed in the backend after the con has ended now too. I've never been able to say Brickcon has a better display based on quality before, because Brickfair normally blows the rest out of the water, but MOC registration and talent was weirdly low this year. Same with public attendance, where we did less than half what we normally do.


Just a really weird year.

i blame the illuminati, personally

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This was only my second time at Brickfair and even I could tell it was all off. Maybe give it another chance if funds and time permit. The first time I went I was very much pleased with turnout and activities. However, socializing with friends is always my primary hope for going.


I feel you about quality food and vegetarian stuff (I am borderline vegetarian as I've stated before). Wish I could find a way to actually cook meals instead of eating out so much.


It was great to meet you! I'd love to talk more with you, you seem like such a articulate and educated person, which is a type I love conversing with, even if I'm not on the same caliber. Anyhow, take it easy!

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It was nice meeting you again, and getting to spend time hanging out this time around. I hope I can make it back to the West Coast at some point, so hopefully we'll see each other then!

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DeeVee - That's fair. I'll probably go again next year, so I'll have something more to compare this year to.


Xaeraz - Accurate.


LK - I was glad to meet you too! And I'd love to keep in touch; I meant to talk with you more but it was such a hectic five days I didn't get the chance. You seemed like a really intelligent and insightful person to me; don't ever say you're not on the same caliber as someone else!


Six - Likewise! BrickCan 2016? I checked, it's at the River Rock Casino Resort, which I can tell you will be an amazing venue for a convention. If the River Rock hotel is the official event hotel, it'll basically be the fanciest LEGO con ever.



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