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Creepy Girl



In my time on the Internet, I've come to accept that dynamically generated banner ads that come up on each page. But lately, there's been one that's shaken me to my very foundation.


I'm speaking of a specific ad for something called "Chemistry." Now, I always thought these dynamically generated ads came based on the various content of the page their loading on (and I will most likely summon forth another one just by mentioning it in this post. Perhaps it was the mix of Video Game and Bionicle talk on this blog that lead it to somehow know I was single, though I have a different theory.


It's Creepy Girl. Maybe you've seen her. She's the random woman that appears in one of those Chemistry ads staring out from the page. I'd argue she's staring deep into your soul, reading you for the purpose of generating dynamic ads on the pages you view.



Look at her. She's watching you. So beware. Chemistry knows what you're thinking, and I would guess that they know where you live.


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Somehow, I think the ad hit a tone with the customer - but not a very good vibe.

I'm one of those guys who's job involves them staring at a computer screen for hours on end. It makes it tough, however, when the screen starts staring back. ;)

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I'm one of those guys who's job involves them staring at a computer screen for hours on end. It makes it tough, however, when the screen starts staring back.


Quote of the year.


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... So she's the one who conjurs the Veggietales ads above my blog? She's the one who pops RPG ads into existence with a wave of her hand? She's the one behind the undoutedly annoying Zwinky ads? And she's the one who intentionally summons ads to filtered sites, knowing very well that no member can gain posts by PMing her handiwork to AdvertAlert? :o


*Ducks behind desk to hide from Creepy Girl.*




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Umm...I hate to say this,but there is a creepier girl that I am not allowed to post.


Its that zombie screamer exorcist girl.

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Yeah, those ads are crazy. Really wierd, especially about a dating site ad on a kid (not really) site!


I hope she goes away....




edit: I just saw an ad for a christian dating service, so I guess Creppy Girl might have found religion!

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I've seen worse...

Bad Ads!

I think Big D's working on it, but I have no clue what progress he's made. I hope that the creepy girl gets banned. :P

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Yeah, that first one on the left was actually the same Ad that popped up when this entry was first published.


One of those "That's funny...HEY!" moments.

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