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Ixi & Valo: Quest For The Copyshop!

The Driver


(What follows is a completely random story made up on the spot, but based on real life happenings... sorta. Prepare for a long read xD)


Once upon a time there were 2 dudes.

IXI and Valenti as they are known on BZP.


They lived in the small town Harlingen.

One day IXI decided to completely rework his room: A new bed, new closet, new colours for the walls and of course a bunch of posters to fill everything up.


He ordered one poster from Megatokyo, with the help of Valenti, but oh dear. :gasp:

One poster simply wasn't enough.

There was still a whole wall to cover!


IXI thought fast, and he was reminded of an article on the internet.

"If one wishes to create the perfect gameroom, one must include a poster of a favourite game.

It is easy to get a pic from one's computer printed out in a poster of significant size.

One only needs to find a copyshop capable of such magic."


IXI was happy, for he had found the perfect way to decorate his room.

He asked his longtime friend, Valenti, if he wanted to come with him on his quest for the almighty copyshop.

Of course, being the somewhat crazy and dangerous fellow, Valenti said yes to this offer immediately.


And there they went, on their magical bikes into the Urban Jungle.

The journey would prove to be long, and filled with peril.


The Spirit of Eternal Awesomage guided them to the first copyshop.

It was a small place, a wooden hut with candlelight coming from the inside.

The door was open, so IXI and Valenti quietly entered.

It smelled old, no one had ben there for quite some time.


"Dayum, this crib sure stinks, dawg." IXI said, holding his nose.

"Like... whoa dude, is all like groooovy..." Valo replied.


And old man approached them, he must've been 400 years old.

"What are you youngsters looking for?"

"Check it out, it goes like this:" IXI began, "Like I'm getting ma room pimped out ya know.

And I is thinkin' of gettin' some fly posters from ma computer printed out here, ya know what I'm sayin'?"

"Oh I'm terribly sorry, I'm afraid that's not possible here." The grandfather answered.

"Ahw maayuun." IXI wasn't too pleased.

"Dude, like... maybe we can find this coffee... copyshop's location in the tourist office." Valo suggested.

"Dawg, that's pimpin', let's roll." Happy with Valo's suggestion, they left the old man...


... and continued their journey.

The tourist office was located on the other side of the Urban Jungle.

Many Shallow people tried to stop them from finding the magical copyshop.

But they were just run over...


And finally, after slaying over 3 dozen shallow people with only their bikes the two friends arrived at the tourist office.

It was an evil place indeed. It was like an ancient castle painted black. With dragon and goblin sculptures built on top of the towering walls.

Lightning flashed from the thunderclouds above and fire came out of the depths surrounding the castle.

"Now that's some awesome crib yo. I wonder who their decorator is dawg." IXI commented.

"Let's just get inside man..."


The door seemed to be stuck as IXI tried to open it.

He pulled and he pulled but the door never gave in.

"Duuuuuude, maybe you should like..." Valo tried to suggest, but he was interrupted by IXI:

"Are you disrespectin' me dawg? Huh, what did you say about ma mamah?"

"Dude, like chill out man."

"Aight cool, cool. We still cool aight?"

"Yeah duuude."

After the short argument Valo opened the door by simply turning the doorknob.

IXI was dumbstruck, for he hadn't thought of this ingenious move.


The two lads entered the dark and treacherous place.

"Like... Hullo?" Valo's voice echoed throughout the chambers.

"Nnnnnnyeeeeessssssssssss?" A snake-like voice seemed to come from every direction.

And there he was, a 40 metre reptilian beast, a bit like Godzilla one would say only more subtle.

And definately sneakier.

"Yo whassaaaap pimp? We is lookin' fo a copyshop." IXI explained.

"Aaaaaahhhhh, a coffeessssshop sshhhh?" The beast lisped.

"No dawg a copshop." IXI corrected the foul reptile.

"Ah sssssso you're the onesssss lookin for the copysssshop?" The beast seemed pleased for some reason.

"Deeewd, I don't like this maaan, I don't like this at all." Valo warned IXI.

"Chill dawg, is all gonna work out."

"Nnnnnnnndie!!!" The reptile attacked.

"Or not."


The beast came in fast, his razorsharp teeth unveiled and his claws ready to strike.

"Yo pimp, check ma bling!" IXI held his Rolex 24 carat Diamond watch in the light, blinding the snake beast.

"Quick dawg, use yo groovy shizzle." He shouted.

"Okay duuude." Valo answered and suddenly a relaxing yet psychedelic tune started playing.

The beast was put in a trance of ultimate grooviness, rendering him in a state of pure serenity.

"Yo be pimpin' fo sho!" IXI thanked Valo.

"Like welcome duuude."

"Now foo'," He turned to the reptile, "where is da copyshizzle at?"

The snake was silent for a second, but then answered:

"It'ssss not far from here ssssss, only three streetssss away sssss. Take a left, a right and then keep on going ssssss."


"Like let's go dude." Valo lead the duo outside.


And off they go, nearing the end of their journey.

The copyshop was not far from the evil castle.

And they got there quite easy, thanks to the directions they were given.


They were amazed with the pure awesomage of the shop.

Golden colours were everywhere it seemed, and there was a smell of fresh grass in the air.

Bunnies hopped over the green hills which were dotted with countless beautiful flowers.

"This ain't gangsta..." IXI huffed.

"Nah man, this place is like so... psychedelic duuuude." Valo disagreed.


They walked inside the beautiful buidling.

A man awaited them inside, a kind face covering his head.

"Dawg, we is lookin' fo sum posters fo ma crib ya know?" IXI said.

"I see," the man replied,"how big would you like your poster?"

"I is thinkin' metres ya know?"

"Hmm, there is a pricetag attached to that."

"How much?" IXI asked.

"Around 40 Euros."




IXI didn't know what to say at first.

"Yo dawg, I'll mail you them pics aight?" He finally spoke.

"Of course." The man gave him a business card.

"Until we meet again..." He waved the two friends goodbye as they left.


"That was like soooo awesome dude." Valo was happy they had found what they were looking for.

"Fo sho pimp, now I only need sum cash."


And IXI and Valo left the Urban Jungle, happy, yet unsure where and how to get that money.

But that's another story, for another time...






Yes I had nothing to do xD.


Sue me...




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what, exactly, were you doing to create this, erm, parody? (I hope it is, anyway)

do many people in harlingen talk like that?

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I have absolutely no idea... xD.


I was in this crazy mood I guess.

Everything came to me as I typed further and further.


And no, I certainly don't talk like that, and neither does Valo xD.


The reptile beast, now that's another story


Fo sho pimpin'!



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Many Shallow people tried to stop them from finding the magical copyshop.

But they were just run over...


And finally, after slaying over 3 dozen shallow people with only their bikes the two friends arrived at the tourist office.



Have you guys actually met in real life?

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Gasp, I missed replies.


Oni: Yeah, we go waaaay back. In fact, I forgot count of the years. What is it?

7... 8?

Valo: 5 minutes to start ultimate carna... fun. xD

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