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Retail Therapy



Man, I want some Legos.


And I have a measure of disposable income I could use to by some.


​And I can probably rearrange some of the shelves in my apartment to accommodate the space.


And I'm getting a big paycheck this Friday where I'll get a couple months worth of pay at once.


And now that summer's over my electricity bill has gone down.


And, y'know, that Palace Cinema looks downright dope.


Or that Falcon.


Or that new AT-AT.


And/or the Hulkbuster. And the set with Miles Morales.


Or a spaceship. Like the Falcon.




Adult financial decisions are hard.

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Recommended Comments

Palace Cinema is nice, but a lot of people in the AFOL community tend to consider it one of the worse modular buildings. The interior furnishing is fairly bland, it's only two floors, and the car is nothing too exceptional. I'd sooner recommend the Pet Shop, Parisian Restaurant, or Detective's Office.


Of course, people aren't sure which will be the next to retire, which is another consideration. Pet Shop is oldest of those currently available.

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Palace Cinema is nice, but a lot of people in the AFOL community tend to consider it one of the worse modular buildings. The interior furnishing is fairly bland, it's only two floors, and the car is nothing too exceptional. I'd sooner recommend the Pet Shop, Parisian Restaurant, or Detective's Office.


Of course, people aren't sure which will be the next to retire, which is another consideration. Pet Shop is oldest of those currently available.

I've been torn between the cinema and Pet Shop, though I'm leaning towards the cinema because, that's, y'know, kinda my thing.


(But there's a part of me that's like "por que no los dos?")

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I have the Palace Cinema and really love it. I guess if you compare it to the other buildings then it's kind of bland, but the interior is still really nice, and it looks like the nice fancy theater it's supposed to be. The build did feel a little dull when it came to the walls, but having not built other modular buildings I have no idea if that's just the way they are.


Currently, if I had money to blow, I'd buy the Halloween X-Wing from the Episode 7 line. Or blow it all on BIONICLE. Either one would make me pretty happy.

But I don't have money to blow so the point is moot.

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Rob a drugs.


Sell bank.


 Brilliant actually.


 Rob drugs from criminals, and use the bricks of cocaine to create a bank, fully functioning. Then sell it, and pocket the income! It is fool-proof!

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