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Paris Hilton (again)



Apparently, everybody's favorite nitwitted blond is "traumatized" by having to go to jail. Oh no, poor, rich, arrogant Paris! How ever shall she do without her expensive, skimpy dresses tailor-made for anorexic sticks with IQs lower than Antarctica's lowest temperatures? And she'll... *gasp* chafe her skin on the rough prison beds without her herbal miracle shampoo and conditioner! And mixing with the common folk, too! The horror of it all![/sarcasm]


Really, she needs to get over the fact that this little thing called a "law" keeps her from doing whatever she wants, most of it absolutely stupid pursuits. She's pouting over being served some justice instead of a martini, and she's going to drag the case on for as long as she can. What's she going to do, go Emo? "Oh, woe is me, I don't have any caviar here and I'm actually expected to act like I'm not better than all these losers, and I can't get a good tan, and I feel so empty inside, boo hoo hoo, and I'm gonna go write bad poetry about it and try to slit my wrists, even though my nails are cracked and I have no makeup!"


She deserves to go to jail...



Anyways, I had to go see my psychiatrist or whatever today... Agh, I hate that, I hate the person, it's so aggravating... She keeps trying to bring up issues I've already solved, and I'm losing my tolerance for it. Already lost it, I guess. She's so agitating, and all it does is make me angry instead of helping me. Rargh!




Aha. A change has occured. Loss of one factor, leaving a closing space for a million more to try and squeeze into. Perhaps for the better, a shift in the winds. Of course, it will probably just bring radioactive fallout. It remains to be seen whether the arbitrarily nonauthoritative cells of the hypocritical oxymoronic self contradictory ones will be struck with structural decay or not.


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Hey! Mixing with common folk is horrible!............The majority of them are often too stupid that they actually hafta be reminded to make their cells divide!

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Hey! Mixing with common folk is horrible!............The majority of them are often too stupid that they actually hafta be reminded to make their cells divide!

I forgot to do that once... Didn't grow at all for a month.

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That is just hilarious. (The Paris part, not the therapy thing. -___-)


...A therapist? That's new news to me.

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She's never done a honest days work in her life that wasn't faked on fox for some mediocre tv show. Some time in prison will do her good.


Mabey you should try telling this therapist person that what they're doing now isn't helping.





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Ya know, GMan, every once and a while, I study psychology..........


........So, you hate your psychiatrist, how does that make you feel?.............

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There is no need to be bashing anyone, no matter the reason. And because of this...


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