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2015 in Disappointments



Usually when I write up the list of my favorite films of the year, I list a total of ten films. This can be seen with my lists for 2014, 2013 Half-Year, and 2012 (& Revisited).


I shortened it to five films for 2015 because despite enjoying many movies this year (and there were a few very good highlights such as Mad Max and Kingsman), I also found there to be just as many disappointments. As such, here they are are.



---> Everything about this movie is terrible. I enjoyed a single scene in this movie; it is towards the end, when Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Hawkeye briefly fight against Captain America and the twins. The close quarters combat as each character briefly tussled was excellent, and Thor's dramatic reappearance to end it off was really cool.


I hated everything else about the movie. Ultron was wasted; his motivations and plans made no sense. Quicksilver's death was meaningless. Tony starts the movie off by making the mistake of creating Ultron... and then illogically decides to make that SAME MISTAKE with Vision, only it somehow pays off because Jarvis?? Thor's sidequest was cut out so much that what was left behind doesn't make any sense (and should have been cut as well). The Black Widow/Hulk romance is poorly done; actually, I was very unhappy with everything they did to Black Widow in this movie. Almost all of the action feels fake; when you have the Hulk battling Iron Man in his Hulkbuster, my jaw should be dropping; I should not be struggling not to fall asleep in the movie theater.


This movie was a colossal waste of time and a colossal waste of money; if you haven't seen it yet, you're doing yourself a favor. This movie is why I'm worried that next year's "Captain America: Civil War" is also going to be terrible (it already looks overcrowded and 'meh' from the trailer, which isn't a good sign....).



---> Man, I liked the first movie so, so, SO much. Despite the changes they made, I felt that it was a more than worthy adaption of the book, and had such high hopes for this movie... only for them to take everything out and replace it with generic, bland action-zombie movie filler. I hated this movie, I hate what they've done to the series, and I don't understand how they got from the first movie to this. Ugh.


There was so much in the book that was begging to be put on the big screen and they wasted all of that potential. The lightning storm should have been a cinematic highlight of the series; instead, it's a 30 second shrug of the shoulders with no tension whatsoever. The only thing they got right in this movie was the party scene where Thomas and Brenda get separated, but even that's only two minutes long. What a mess.



--->Losing Edgar Wright did irreparable damage to this film. The fact that his touch is still visible - and yet severely watered down - several times throughout the movie only makes it hurt more. Much of the humor now falls flat, and they absolutely wasted Hope. There's a moment in the movie where she proves herself as entirely capable of pulling off Scott's role on her own (and in fact, she could do it BETTER), but she's not allowed to put on the Ant-Man suit herself because... reasons?


From that point, the movie should have shifted gears at least a little bit and allowed Hope to either replace Scott or join him as the Wasp; if she had actually REPLACED him, it would have been a very cool twist that might have served the story very well.


At least Ant-Man was tolerable to watch, though. Can't say the same for "Age of Ultron".



--->Man. They wasted Andrew Scott. They wasted Christoph Waltz. They wasted Dave Bautista. The plot itself is illogical, and while I admire their attempts to turn all of Daniel Craig's run into one big scheme against 007, their execution was extremely poor.


Andrew Scott's C should have had his own film to shine; his character's plans and connections would have been more than enough to keep Bond busy. This should have then built up to Christoph Waltz's villain appearing in the -next- film; which, being the 25th James Bond movie, would have made for a very grand touch. As it is, Scott is barely in "Spectre", and he's taken out far too easily.


The true identity of Waltz's character should come as no surprise to anybody. But his childish grudge against Bond for what amounts to nothing at all (his father... took Bond skiing? and hung out with him a bit?? or something?) turns what was a legendary and deadly Bond villain into an insufferable brat. Remove the idiotic personal connections to Bond, shift his in-person big entrance/reveal to the next film (perhaps keep his appearance in the shadows at the meeting, that was neat), and that might have worked.


As for Dave Bautista... I just wish we knew more about his character, honestly. Other than that, I was actually kinda happy with him; Mr. Hinx on the train is the first threat that truly appears to faze Daniel Craig's Bond, and that's something. Still disappointing that he was taken care of so easily afterwards, though.



--->Unlike the other films on this list, I actually do enjoy this movie; I mean it's not great or anything, but it's a fun time. And that final 'battle' is AWESOME.




Besides that however, I just can't get over Bryce Dallas Howard's character, Claire. How and why does she wear heels for the entire movie? It just doesn't make any sense. She's in a jungle, running away from raptors and a T-Rex and something that's a bit of both and she's somehow wearing high heels?


Plus, the dinosaurs. One of the characters does call out that they'd look different if all natural, but... why not just give us all-natural in the first place? That would've been cool too.



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