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another xenoblade x entry



the little references to XBC make me so happy.



Tatsu's caravan being named after the Nopon chief in XBC, the mention of Colonel Square-tache, nd all the little monados and stuff on some pieces of clothing.


also having a Skell is the best thing in the game. can't wait until I can fly with it.


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I haven't even gotten my Skell yet. I spent most of my time running from one objective to the next as quickly as possible and now I'm terribly equipped for the creatures where my current mission is.


I just wanted a Skell and it's taking forever...


Speaking of XBC refferemces, are Libs hairclips Monados? They sure look like it.

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they are indeed little monados.

And yeah, you need to be properly equipped for stuff. the skell license exam is a pain anyways, mostly because of the prospector mission (Have fun trying to get 15000 credits in a single go, it's slightly frustrating) and the curator mission

protip for curator mission: Go north in oblivia. Far, far north. All the way to the big lake. Look for the caravan, it's pretty much in the middle of it. It's a quick travel point and has SIX items right there. The item you're looking for appears most often in the morning, and in the rain.

if you just quick travel to the caravan over and over and over and over again you'll get it. eventually. it's tedious but FAR easier than actually walking around.

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Chapter 12 is going to kill you both, all in all the game was pretty great even if the story is kinda meh, now to go and do 500 more hours of stuff.

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