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Several Things



Considering the absolutely wonderfully creative name that is 'Matoro', we should be glad we didn't get any characters named as following:

  • Toao the Toa
  • Turago the Turaga
  • Agoro the Agori
  • Protecto the Protector of [Element]
  • Maskmakero the Mask-Maker



I've found an extremely rare super-advanced leak of the 2017 BIONICLE Summer Wave, containing nothing but their names:

  • Beast Beast (a beast...with a twist: it's... A BEAST)
  • Scary Beast (a beast... that FRIGHTENS YOU)
  • Skull Beast (a beast... that's a SKELETON)
  • Bionicle Beast (a beast... USING BONKLE PIECES)
  • Makuta the Skull-Beast (Makuta... but as a SKELETON BEAST)
  • Umarakultakuta the Abomination of Ultimate Power (Makuta, Umurak, and Kulta... but UNITED, a poignant set, Umarak represents Unity, Kulta represents Duty, Makuta represents Destiny)
  • Ekimu the Deity-Emperor (in all trans blue, no gold aside from a gold/trans-blue blended Mask of Creation)



You know, I'm surprised by Kopaka and Melum. Moreso Kopaka than Melum. Kopaka doesn't look as bad as person if you can look past the rather awkward golden pieces. Quite posable, too. Moreso than his previous incarnation, and possibly more faithful to his 2001 incarnation at the same time by the sole virtue of not being as bulky while wielding a sword. Sword's a bit big though, and the gun's a bit odd - I think that other hand is better served holding the bottom of the sword. Melum adds more armour to Kopaka's shoulders, and more gold, so the gold doesn't look completely out of place with Melum. Though, on Melum alone, Melum's probably one of the more underwhelming creatures IMO. It uses the same function build as Ikir, pretty much, but it doesn't quite work as well IMO. It isn't as satisfying as Terak's feature. Speaking of Terak, I think Terak is one of the easiest creatures to attach and take off their respective Toa, simply because you use Terak's function to raise or lower the claws onto Onua's shoulders. Also making them easier to position than with Melum. Now, I know that Melum, functionally and build-wise isn't an exact clone of Terak, but visually Melum still looks very similar. Melum basically has the visuals of Terak with the function of Ikir.




Kulta, Umarak, and the LOSS should team up. Why throw your armies of Skull Spiders, Skeleton Skeletons, and Shadow Traps/Beasts just at arbitrary points? Instead of waiting, team up and throw all three at the Toa at the same time. The Shadow Traps to stop the Toa in their tracks, preventing them from their duty, the Skull Spiders to shatter their unity, and the Skull Skeletons to prevent them from reaching their destiny.


Actually, I see it now: BIONICLE Stars, G2 Edition.

  • Skull Skeleton (Kulta, but Protector-sized)
  • The Hunter (Umurak, but Protector-sized)
  • The Lord (LoSS, but Protector-sized
  • The Antagonist (Makuta)
  • The Mask-Maker (Ekimu)
  • Tahu (Because Tahu is the most important, every other Toa is unimportant)
  • Un-revealed Character From 2017



I wasn't kidding when I said several things.
















See, several Things.




I know most people probably don't feel this way, but I feel that 2016 Kopaka and Lewa are better representations of their characters than their 2015 versions. Tahu to an extent, too. That 2015 Mask of FIre, in retrospect, wasn't really very good compared to the others. Very odd-looking in a way I can't put my finger on right now, partly because it's not within arm's reach right now.




I wonder what the Toa think of Ekimu suddenly growing about two point five times his current size, and why he didn't do that before when it could have proved advantageous to him. If you had the chance to grow like ten feet tall and gold and blue and sparkly, wouldn't you take that chance always? You never know when people whose name begins with 'M' and ends with 'A' and have 'akut' in the middle might try to backstab you or try and do something that must never be done.




Does anyone else have trouble getting Umarak to unite with the creatures? His shadow-trap shoulders generally get in the way of the wings of the creatures with wings and with all creatures, their upper two non-head ball joints, especially if exposed.




Hydraxon is a lazy name. We already have Land-Axonn, why do we have Hydra-Axonn as well? What next, Air-Axonn? Along with their counterparts Thugaka and Ruffianaka, of course. Can't forget Minilos and Justenoughilos as well.




Gadunka gadunka. Gadunka. I wonder if, at the creation of BIONICLE, everybody knew that about seven years down the line, they'd be making a set/character-thing that was basically a giant mouth. Gadunka wouldnm't be terribly out-of-place in G2, really. Apart from the old building system of course, but CCBS would actually probably lend itself to Gadunka more than the old one did.




I am about to commit blasphemy and say that, much to the shock of many, that trans-yellow is an ugly colour and I fully understand why the set designers don't use it in favour of trans-neon green. It's such a different shade of yellow to the regular yellow, and it doesn't really carry the 'yellowness' to it very well, either, whereas it's much clearer what colours the more commonly used transparent colours are.




That's all. Oh. I hope that, since we're getting a trans-blue Mask of Creation, we get a trans-purple Mask of Control next year. Now, that actually is all.

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Let's be fair: the name Matoro existed BEFORE the word Matoran. If anything, it's the word Matoran that seems uncreative with that in mind, though I'm pretty sure it was derived more from "Mata" than "Matoro" (as in, people of Mata Nui).

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Thoughts to your thoughts but not as coherent:


To be fair, Matoro's name came first, so basically the Matoran named themselves after him.


LEAKED SETS NOT ALLOWED!! But Umarak keeps getting promoted, good for him.


Melum > Kopaka. Pick a color scheme and stick with it, Kopaka!!


Bionicle twist where the villains learn the benefits of unity.


I only see a few Things.


Lewa and Kopaka I can buy as slight improvements. Tahu, not so much, IMO.


Ekimu's growth is probably a limited use option with a long recharge time.


Teridax was supposed to be Terra-Axonn, but somebody misspelt it.


Who wouldn't want a giant CCBS mouth?


I dunno, I would like more trans yellow CCBS parts, but trans neon green isn't too bad.


We need more trans purple masks!!



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I wonder what the Toa think of Ekimu suddenly growing about two point five times his current size, and why he didn't do that before when it could have proved advantageous to him. If you had the chance to grow like ten feet tall and gold and blue and sparkly, wouldn't you take that chance always? You never know when people whose name begins with 'M' and ends with 'A' and have 'akut' in the middle might try to backstab you or try and do something that must never be done.



Just relax that Bionicle doesn't have such obvious names as:


Makuhero City


Clay (named after claymore, a medieval weapon)

Lance (same)







...and that's just what I remember. 

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