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Paris Hilton (yet Again)



So, the world's not-at-all-really-so-favorite blonde blunderer will only serve 23 days due to "good behavior". So wait, what, does going into withdrawl from not having her daily fix of expensive makeup, items, and pets with really dumb sounding names and weird species names and refusing to realize she's even worse than the "common folk" count as "good behavior"? Man, it's like Arkham Asylum, in Gotham City in the DC world. The villains are admitted, and then faster than you can say "bad decision", they're out the door and pronounced 'sane' (or, in this case, 'served the neccessary time'). Revolving door justice, anyone? I was hoping Paris would be banished from the public view for longer...


I can just imagine what Paris would be saying. "Ooh, it's like a vacation! Except it's in a grungy place full of criminals and there aren't any hunky waiters! Heehee! And I'm too ditzy and dull-brained to figure out what I did wrong, not that I care! Once I get out I'm gonna drink a big bottle of teck- tuch- um, whatever, I'm gonna drink a big bottle of a foreign drink with a funny name I can't pronounce! Ooh! Stereotypes! Heehee!"


Hey, I wonder, is she even in jail yet, or is she still going through a billion legal procedures before she's sent there? It would really figure if she got reduced time on good behavior when she's still in court making a fuss and hasn't even gone to jail yet.


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The worst part is, is that if it was one of us who had done this, there'd be no way we'd be able to get a reduced sentence like that. If I'm ever in a legal situation, I'll demand the Hilton treatment, or that she gets her trampy butt thrown back in for the full amount of time... It won't work, really...

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I was hoping that this would change her for the better, but it looks as though she's just going to be counting down the days until she's free. Unfortunatley, it'll be the apocalypse when she's free...

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There is no need to be bashing anyone, no matter the reason. And because of this...


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