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Lemon Club Challenge 2



The Second Lemon Club Challenge has begun! This time, your challenge is...


write EITHER a poem OR a short story relating to Lemons.


They can be as serious or as bizarre as you like. However, they must be a minimum of 111 words. There is no maximum. Entries will stop being accepted sometime around June 8th. Please post your entries in this entry, or link to them in some way.


I shall be judging, possibly assisted by Bundalings or Aanchir, depending on whether they decide to enter or not.


Only members of the Lemon Club can enter, so if you haven't joined, why not go and do it now!


Let the writing begin!


UPDATE: The word minimum is decreased to only 111 words, and the deadline extended by a week.




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I think I'll judge this one. While it will be fun to enter, I feel this contest will have a lot more entrants than last time, and I think you could use the extra help. Hope you judge as well, Bundalings-- an three-person judging panel would be nice.


- :vahi:


EDIT: I just noticed the header for the Lemon Club content block. I like it.

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What's the prize, Ah the heck with it sign me up for this lemon club scam. :P


Scam? Scam you say? :o It's no scam, I assure you. -S

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Doesn't seem like many people will enter... I'll see if I can whip up something quick, actualy.

Be prepared to read something really bad.


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even though writing isn't my specialty, I will be entering. (you shouldn't have added a minimum incase people wanted to make "when life gives you lemons" spin offs)

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I might enter, but there is no granetee, I suck at writing.


Man I haven't been here in forever! School is making it hard to stay active.



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Ok, heres a Poem for you


Roses are Red

Violets are blue

Lemons are yellow

and so are You!


tee hee hee! :P

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Ok, heres a Poem for you


Roses are Red

Violets are blue

Lemons are yellow

and so are You!


tee hee hee! :P


(Minimum of 222 words, Roa.)



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You entering, isaacwade? I hope so, especially if your writing is as good as your MOCs.


- :vahi:

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Knowing that I have 220 words as of this moment, I'll probably be entering. Prepare to be very, very, very depressed. I can't think of a single good thing about being a lemon.





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In that case, perhaps judging wasn't as necessary as I'd thought. So far, we have not one qualified entrant!


- :vahi:

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Ok I got my entry up!...........Woh!........ No one has entered yet! :blink:

Ok here we go! Word count: 130




-Out of lemon flowers


on a summer's day, children's

laughs and insatiable


contempt with satisfaction,

the lemon tree's glow


the lemons

twirl down

from the tree's still branches.


Delicious treasure!

The field’s ground are big with it-

so the flavor flows on

inside the lemons,

in the juicy spaces of the fruit,

the flavors, tangy and sour.


Slicing the lemon

the knife

leaves a crisp slice.

Aroma of lazy summer days

that were long forgot,

fill the mind; citrus

droplets slipping to the

cool ground,

cheers to the harvest!


So, while past comes to present,

think of the lemon

a yellow world

of golden delight,

the fruit of the galaxy


to your touch:

a miracle maker

with joy,

sparkling the planet;

a fire in the rain.

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So once upon a time there was a lemon, but it was not any lemon, it was a magic lemon. And whoever sucked on it would have one wish. However everybody was scared to puck the lemon, simply because there was a sign that said "DO NOT PLUCK THIS LEMON." But few knew this lemon had a mind of it's own. Nobody suspected it simply because he was a lemon. But one boy, believed the lemon had a mind of his own. He was called a freak and the other kids threw rocks at him. Until one day the boy plucked the lemon and sucked on it and made one measly wish..... for HI PPL TO WIN THE CONTEST.

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Well, I started off by thinking about what life would be like if I was a lemon. Although lemons are perfectly fine from an outsider's POV, being one is another thing altogether. The resulting entry isn't so much a story as it is a diatribe on how much being a lemon stinks. I just wrote out whatever came to mind.


It's not easy being a lemon. Truly it isn't. I mean, you just sit in a bowl or a basket or whatever all day, am I right? No satisfaction, no life fulfillment, nothing. Just endless days spent sitting here, being discontented with my lot in life. And what a lot it is! No appreciation whatsoever. I am taken completely for granted. Add to that the fact that you have no motive power whatsoever, and it's totally unfair! I'd write a letter to the editor or the President or somebody, but I am sadly wanting for hands or telekinetic powers. Besides, who would listen to a lemon? People hate me. My citric acid rots away at their teeth. Some say I am too sour. They dilute my unique flavor with water and other substances, or replace it altogether with artificial flavorings. Even my close relative the orange has achieved more fame than I. It's enough to make a citrus spit. But then, I don't even have any salivary glands. All I have is a peel, some fruit, a piffling amount of seeds, and an almost unbearably tortured conscience. Why have I been cursed with this meaningless existence?




I'm sorry; I didn't mean to burden you with my pathetic ranting. It's just the way I am. Nobody cares what a lemon thinks anyway. I'll just lie here quietly, ripening...






See? I can't think of a single good thing about being a lemon.



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I`m not the type of Toa who would sigh.But what would you do if you were chosen to be a hero of an element,an element so great that it is feared by many?Yes,this is true.I am a Toa.A Toa of Lemons.

It all happened when I went adventuring.I was exploring the heights of Mt.Mint.The air around here is always fresh,it gives off an aroma of mint.I smiled as I sniffed the air.Part of my reason to come here was to visit my friends,the Mi-Matoran of Frutai-Nui are usually calm and silent,but they have time to speak.Ulike any other mountain dwelling Matoran.I was walking around the snow covered mountain when I tripped.I picked up the thing that I tripped on.It was a yellow colored crystal.suddenly,a bright blast of yellow erupted.The world was in total darkness.I scanned the area only to find what was there all along:Darkness.Suddenly a caped figure descended in front of me,my first guess of him is that he is a Toa.When he reached the ground he said to me:"You are destined to become"."Become what?"I asked."You are destined to become a Toa of Lemons,to protect your home island"Said the mighty figure.I shot him a questioning look."I have no time for worthless speech,so I shall ask you:Do you accept your destiny?"I looked down.I asked myself whether I was cut out for it.Then I remembered what my Turaga Cidkai used to say "Accept your destiny,as it is part and the last of the Three Virtues"I nodded to myself,looked up and said "yes" to the being.The crystal in my hand shattered.Raw energy was surging from my body.I was growing larger,stronger.My whole body was filled with energy.During my transformation I hear the figure whispered a silent"Thank you".Then everything went back to normal.Except me.I stared at my hand,then my armor.All this,it was vaguely recognizable.Then it struck me,this was the figure`s armor.All along,I was talking to ME,talking to my Toa self.I picked myself up smiled and ran towards Mi-Metru.Got to catch up my friends!



Well,that`s pretty much MY entry.

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Wow... four new entries! Perhaps there will be some competition after all!


I look forward to more entries!


- :vahi:

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the deadline should be brought back, poeple need time to write storys.


It's done. I've given you an extra week. -S

thank you

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There once was a lemon and it was magical.Twako Was in the garden picking lemons for a lemon pie.

He picked The magic lemon,Then said "oh one bite won't hurt". So he bit the magic lemon.

Out of nowere lemon-nui was staring at him, and said "This may HURT a little". A giant lemon fell on him and light expoaded it.A toa was standing there all yellow and said"Im Twako, Toa of lemons"And then disapered.He was in a lemon patch then a giant rahi lemon jumped out of nowhere.Ahhhh!!!! Said a matoran as its claw catched his foot.Twako stood on the Lemon surf board sloaping across the air. HELP ME!!!!!! said the matoran. The toa took out his sword and snachted the matoran out of his hand. You Dont harm matoran like that!Twako said.The lemon creature took Twako and thru him at a tree.Theres only one thing to do! Twako said.He sat on the floor doing nothing.A big warp of lemons suked the creature in the warp.Thank you! said The matoran.Anyway my names wanto said the matoran.Well see you again Wanto! said Twako then ran in the woods.Bye! Said Wanto then went Back to his hut.

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There once was a lemon and it was magical.Twako Was in the garden picking lemons for a lemon pie.

He picked The magic lemon,Then said "oh one bite won't hurt". So he bit the magic lemon.

Out of nowere lemon-nui was staring at him, and said "This may HURT a little". A giant lemon fell on him and light expoaded it.A toa was standing there all yellow and said"Im Twako, Toa of lemons"And then disapered.


Word limit is 111 words, JC. This story is only 80.


- :vahi:

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