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Melissa McCarthy in the new Ghostbusters.


then it might be at least somewhat bearable. still unnecessary, but bearable.

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Melissa McCarthy in the new Ghostbusters.


then it might be at least somewhat bearable. still unnecessary, but bearable.


I still don't get this criticism. It's one I've seen leveled against a lot of movies, not just the new Ghostbusters movie. Since when is any new movie "necessary"?

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there was no reason to reboot the Ghostbusters franchise at all, especially a reboot starring one of the most horribly unfunny and untalented actors in modern comedy.


call me cynical, but it just feels like a gimmicky attempt at cashing in on a beloved franchise and indicative of Hollywood's larger problem with the trend of churning out sub-par reboots and remakes of movies that were perfectly fine as-is.

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Melissa McCarthy in the new Ghostbusters.


then it might be at least somewhat bearable. still unnecessary, but bearable.


I still don't get this criticism. It's one I've seen leveled against a lot of movies, not just the new Ghostbusters movie. Since when is any new movie "necessary"?


I think Scythey means more need/want than necessary. Did people want a new Star Wars movie? Yes.


But were there really people just desperately hoping a new Ghostbusters film would come out? Probably a few, but not really.


I see what she's saying. Was it really necessary to tack another movie onto a dead franchise?

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...are you sure about the Star Wars thing? 'Cause, back when Disney bought the franchise and announced they'd be doing more movies, I remember reactions were pretty mixed. I don't really think anyone was chomping at the bit for more Star Wars after the prequels.

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Sorry, but I'm gonna stop this before it gets out of hand. I just meant this to be a fun 'what if' question and it's getting heated. If you guys wanna debate the Ghostbusters reboot you could start a topic in COT. But here, I'm gonna lock this post and try again with a less Ghostbusters-related actor.

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