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Garreg Mach

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open it up



For the past several weeks, I have slowly but surely (emphasis on the slowly) been putting together a new game that I hope to host over in G&T at some point. Certain aspects of this game are concepts that I have toyed with every now and then for a long time; others are twists on ideas seen throughout other games in the forum; and others I have come up with just recently whilst designing the game itself.


All of the broad strokes are pretty much nailed down, as well as what I believe to be most of the details; the trouble lies in the details - how exactly it'll all work out. There is a very large risk that the game could end up relying too much on crunching numbers or RNG, which will rapidly remove any fun from hosting.


I want to go in the opposite direction; I want to leave the game as open as possible.


But the struggle lies therein; where do I stop? How much, exactly, can a player do? What will their limits be?


If I ever finish this game, I think it will be a lot of fun for both me and the players, and I think it could possibly be a bit of a game changer (or at least unique). But opening it up is proving to be much more difficult than I had anticipated.


Then again, perhaps I don't need to predict the moves that players will make; after all, if everything goes according to plan, the only ones penalizing players for the moves they make will be the other players... and even then, only if they really want to.


I suppose we shall see.

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color me seven shades of intrigued. 


Self policing games sound nice


*lights up bubble pipe, standing at a dark corner in the rain.*


real nice

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