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Toa Achilles (Tums)


Well, I passed my preliminary driving test, (outside of driver's ed) and can currently practice with adult supervision for three months. Somewhere during this time, I'll be joining driver's ed too.


Personally I'm in no hurry to drive. At all. Not that I'm nervous, but just not interested really in driving.


Dang. A normal, blogish blog entry. GOTTA RANDOMIZE IT!!






Ever notice how "Super-Vision" sounds like "Supervision?" I mean, I have 20/20, but Super-Vision would be like 10/10. That's why they don't have glasses in Bionicle and Akakus in their place. Besides, if everyone on the island had Supervision, the Turaga would have to supervise them wherever they go.


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You can take a driver's test when you're 14? I couldn't...must be state laws differences...or something....


And...um...you changed your name to Switzerland? What about Finland? Deutschland? Netherland? Poland?

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You can take a driver's test when you're 14? I couldn't...must be state laws differences...or something....


And...um...you changed your name to Switzerland? What about Finland? Deutschland? Netherland? Poland?

He's fifteen, Le. :P


Congradulations on passing your driving test, TA! (or should I call you Switz now? :lol:)


Just remember: you may not be interested in driving right now, but you will be very glad that you learned when you get older.



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You can take a driver's test when you're 14? I couldn't...must be state laws differences...or something....


And...um...you changed your name to Switzerland? What about Finland? Deutschland? Netherland? Poland?

He's fifteen, Le. :P


Oh..well..I'm older then him and I still don't have the right to get a permit. Waah. :(


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Actually, you can get a lisence when you're 14 in South Dakota, but I chose to do it a year later. Insecurity problems.


And... well, I just became Switzerland out of boredom. It's not really what I'm going to use as a name. Use-r-name. I wonder how I missed that.


Buckle up, world, here I come.

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Actually, you can get a lisence when you're 14 in South Dakota, but I chose to do it a year later. Insecurity problems.

Really? Neat.


Don't worry, Switz. I'm sure you're going to do just fine. It's everyone else that I'm concerned about...


And... well, I just became Switzerland out of boredom. It's not really what I'm going to use as a name. Use-r-name. I wonder how I missed that.

I was kind of surprised when I saw the name "Switzerland (Tums)" attatched to your pms in my inbox. And just as I was getting used to "Tums (Toa Achilles)", too. :P


Buckle up, world, here I come.

That's the spirit, TA!... Er... Switz!



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