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You can have any Super Power, what is it?



Here's a question:


You can have any super power, what do you pick?


Pretty simple question although I'd like to point out that super power doesn't necessarily have to be what's most commonly associated with super powers. Literally any power that you've seen a character have in some form of media, comics, literature, whatever is valid.


My Answer:


I've always been a fan of the power of foresight, to be able to look into the future and predict the movement of others around you. It seems like just the right amount of overpowered-ness.


So what about you?


If you can have any Super Power, what would you pick?




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the super power of having the same reputation as batman so that my writers will make me win any situation, no matter if i really should lose

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The super power to choose more super powers, of course. 


So your super power is to have all the super powers? Neat.


the super power of having the same reputation as batman so that my writers will make me win any situation, no matter if i really should lose


So the power of plot. Got'cha.




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the super power of having the same reputation as batman so that my writers will make me win any situation, no matter if i really should lose

:kaukau: +1 for making me laugh.


Anyway, if I'm the only one with powers, I'd choose indestructibility.  Hypothetically, I'd live forever, which means that I'd eventually get done with everything on my bucket list.


If other people had powers, obviously I'd want the ability to steel theirs.



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Foresight seems like a really bad/unworkable superpower, because the future always changes. Then you'd see every possible end to a decision, and your mind would overload.


Anyway, I'd choose the super power of telekinesis, because then I would never worry about dropping my LEGO models when I carry then around all the time, and building a set would be super cool for all my friends. Plus, I weld, and being able to manipulate exactly where I aim for is unbelievably wondrous.

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Foresight seems like a really bad/unworkable superpower, because the future always changes. Then you'd see every possible end to a decision, and your mind would overload.


You're correct if you view the future as always changing. But if you view the future as a set timeline, one that revolves around the concept of fate (where as things are fated to happen) then you're simply predicting what's to come in the current timeline you are a part of. It runs off of the same principle as Time Travel, where there's various forms of it that are each unique upon themselves and can often clash with each other's theories.



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I always thought astral/etheric projection would be super cool. The ability to go anywhere/see anything would be very, very handy.


The government would pay me millions to be a spy.

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