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What is your dream vacation?



Here's a question:


"What is your dream vacation?"


Pretty simple question, let's talk about your dream vacation. Do you want to go alone or do you want someone with you? Do you have a place you've been itching to visit? Perhaps you want to look at different cultures or maybe you just want to have some fun?


For me, I'll be honest that I don't actually think too much about vacations. Most of my life has revolved around work and being comfortable in my own home so I don't have anywhere spectacular I would want to go to. I think for me it revolves around the people I'm with instead of the location, in which case that would be family.


So what about you?


What is your dream vacation?




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Like Soran, I just don't think about vacations ever. Only times where I do go out of my way to go out of my way, it's for a job or for a volunteering or something else that I can learn a lot from.


Usually it's so I can gain a lot of out-of-the-way knowledge, and I've got a ton of it. Nothing extremely commonplace, but very useful.

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So many places in Europe. Scandinavia looks beautiful.

:kaukau: Now that you've said that, I remembered that I want to bike across Europe someday.  The route I sketched out takes me across some 5000-6000 miles.  Hopefully, someday I will have both the time and the money for such an adventure.



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Domestically, I'd love to be able to take a road trip to Alaska.  Looks likely that it'll happen next summer.
I'd love to go all over Europe and circumnavigate Australia as well. As you might be able to tell, my ideal vacation doesn't really consist of staying put.

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A trip somewhere where just me and one other person (maybe up to three other persons) get to just kick back and relax, with a few interesting outings not too inconvenient. I could do this somewhere with a beach, or maybe by a lake in the mountains, a cabin in the woods near a river, maybe take a cruise (okay, apparently a big requirement is water). Allow me to stay in bed half the day, or find a quiet-ish place to sit and read and/or listen to some music, a private place to sing perhaps.

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