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Obligatory "Wow, mathematics" - entry

Taka Nuvia


I've been meaning to write this down for a while now - you see, this semester I am taking a course on acoustics. And there is a lot of mathematical stuff going on, fourier analysis and what not.


Anyway, the thing is, I am endlessly amazed how what we perceive as harmonic, as orderly, coincides with a certain mathematic description. Humans developed mathematics, so I guess it should not be that surprising, but still, that such an abstract concept (although self-supporting and self-consistent) can be applied to things so seemingly non-abstract as perceiving a certain set of frequencies as pleasant or unpleasant - whoah.




On an unrelated side-note: last week it struck me that a black hole isn't so much a hole in the sense that we know, that is , going 'down' in an otherwise flat surface. It goes 'down' in all 3 (or actually 4? need to look up some general relativity theory for that, I guess) dimensions. Downwards and inwards. I can't properly put it into words, but last week, for a split-second, I understood it. What a scary moment of revelation. D:

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