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Idea For a New Game

Pahrak Model ZX


I’ve been thinking on and off about a new concept for a game inspired by Steins;Gate. The idea was that the Great Beings have discovered a pocket dimension that is virtually identical to the main universe but is just starting out, and as time moves there they will send visions to certain individuals in an attempt to alter the sequence of events to see if they can accomplish a smoother reformation of Spherus Magna. My only idea for a title was “Crosswired;Gate”, but anyway.


Figuring out how to set this up was difficult. What I’m thinking right now is that it’ll be a collaborative effort between players. There’ll be a “signup period” (48 hours?), but players will be able to join later if they want to. The player list will be necessary though—each round, a timeframe will be presented, and two players who are on the list will be randomly selected and asked to come up with a plan for what vision to send to whom in an attempt to alter how events proceed. The remaining players (including newcomers) will then vote on which plan they prefer, and these planners will be able to edit their plans using feedback from the other players, and when a certain amount of time has expired the voting will end and the winning plan will be implemented. I will then determine how the vision is received and how events proceed. Then we move on to the next round.


At least a few fixed points will probably be necessary. The Great Spirit Robot will crash into Aqua Magna, the Kanohi Vahi will be forged, and Matoro will die—but the circumstances of these events could certainly be altered. Maybe more events should be fixed? I’m not sure.


Well, really, I’m very unsure in general. The setup is still shaky, and this would be a tremendous workload. I’m also hesitant about a game which depends on my judgment to determine how it progresses. If someone disagrees with what consequences I think a vision will have, there won’t be much I can say in response, and I worry it could start to feel unfair to players. Maybe I could recruit a panel of judges? It would take longer to change rounds, though, since we’d all need to deliberate and then still write up the scene, plus I’m not sure it would be fair for the judges to actually participate in the game…


I like the general idea enough to not just dismiss it, but I think it needs a lot of work before I consider building up the motivation to attempt it. So, if anyone has any thoughts, I would love to hear them!


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This actually sounds pretty interesting. Though I still have no idea what Stiny's Gate is all about. I didn't even know Stiny had a gate. Or is it Strongbadman's gate and Stiny is just watching it?

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This seems more like a very nice RP idea than a game.


I feel like it'd be a lot more work if it was an RP, and more likely to get derailed for the sake of players' individual subplots.  Also I don't have any BZP-relevant RP experience.



This actually sounds pretty interesting. Though I still have no idea what Stiny's Gate is all about. I didn't even know Stiny had a gate. Or is it Strongbadman's gate and Stiny is just watching it?


This won't require players to have seen Steins;Gate, I'm just taking their concept of altering the past.  Of course, it's done in a more Bionicle way here, where in the show they used their microwave to send text messages backwards in time.  That wouldn't work in this universe.

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