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Something Members Need To Do

Spoony Bard


Now I know this has been brought up before by the staffers, but I'd like to bring it up because I feel very strongly about it.


When you see a topic that is pointless, spam, or anything else that violates the rules, please for the love of God report it and do not post.


You have no idea how many members drive me crazy when they disregard the report button and decide to make a post.


And what really irks me, is that most of the members who post, are ones who been told not do this quite a few times.


So to the members who are reading this: if you wish to avoid my bad side, I suggest to use the report button and not post in these kinds of situations.




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They should really make the report button big and shiny with perhaps an animation and some sound when your mouse-over it.


Because yeah, I remember that back in the days when I modded. You saw so many "I'm reporting" posts...and usually never actually GOT the reports.


People can sometimes be so troublesome when they think they're helping.

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I get so annoyed when people don't report. I admit I have posted when I should had reported once or twice on my life at BZP, but as of the past months I try my best just to report and ignore.


I wish other people would understand that. >>

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Yeah, I decide to just hit the backspace. Maybe I'll start reporting more....anyway, I don't post in things like that. "It's about making your posts count, not your post count"

Have fun Mr. FA.




Oh, yeah, people, you do not want to be on Omi's bad side

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I don't really know how the Report button works. Or what the proper steps to reporting are. Maybe that's why some people don't report; because they don't know how!

When you click on the Report button, you are sent to a page that somewhat looks like a post. All you put in there, is the rule violation. If it is Spam you see in a post, hit that Report button, and write "Spam" or "this person is spamming".

I guess I'm a bit guilty of posting... Although I usually report as well.

I forgive you. :D



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