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Pahrak Model ZX


Like I said, for some reason I keep getting new story ideas rather than making significant progress on the ones I’ve already started. Anyway.


My newest idea is a little ambitious so probably won’t get finished: a fantasy story with a central mythology that is an eclectic mix of multiple Lego themes. Both generations of Bionicle, Slizers, RoboRiders, Hero Factory, and possibly a few others. The details are pretty up in the air at this point, but I have ideas such as the Slizers being gods who created the mortal world, the elements being embodied and governed by Riders who ferry souls to the afterlife and also grant elemental power to villagers (turning them into Toa), and the island associated with the element of Metal, having been forbidden from having Toa, starting up a factory that creates automata who have now more or less made Toa obsolete and function all over the world. Plus, each island being ruled by a Coronet who receives a blessing from the Slizer who created their island, because I still really like that Coronet’s Halo ability I made up for Slizer Mafia.


My question is, if I were to put out a request for guest stars, would anyone be interested in submitting characters? Whether or not this story is going to happen at all is still a question, of course, but before I hammered out plot details I thought I might as well see if it would be worthwhile to do a casting call. Just out of curiosity.


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