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Toru Nui

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Year 10


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Emerging Ice Warrior

Emerging Ice Warrior (136/293)

  1. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Crimes Against the Agori Lexicon “Are you having a stroke?!” Vraek asks in confused contempt, following Karak, trying to decipher the attitude he was giving her. “Does your tortured grammar convey that you would rather sleep in the streets out of petty spite?” @Alex Mason @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - Trust Issues “Also malfunctioning? All of them? That’s far too big of a coincidence.” Taldrix considered the words she saw through the bars, scrawled on parchment. If it came down to whom she trusted more, the Aula Agoria or the Ghost… it was neither. One could only trust another to do whatever was in their best interests - or rather, what they believed was in their best interests. And while the Ghost having interest in obtaining further power for himself was understandable, this mewling tribal brat trying to ‘warn’ her was not. Why would any of those self-pitying worms ever value the lives of Gatherers? Unless whatever was down there threatened her life still, even all the way here. ‘WHAT IS IT?’ @a goose
  2. IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - The World? But That’s Where I Keep All My Stuff! What the- It just occurred to Taldrix that she hadn’t resumed their audible conversation for a moment. Somnii had been discussing how they were unable to find - or invent - a culprit for the telegraph station’s destruction. “You, ahem - said earlier that, with the station inoperable, you left Ferrum to get help. Was that what you were doing when we abducted you?” ‘Found’ wouldn’t have been the right word, may as well be honest about it. “You said that taking the regular, safer route out of the canyons was ‘unfeasible.’” So, there really was something out there. Something that put more fear into this girl than being trapped in a camp full of murderers, sadists and worse. This didn’t tell her much, though, but fortunately there was a card prepared for this eventuality. ‘HE CLAIMS THAT THERE’S G.B. RUINS.’ ‘HE PROMISES US THE TECH BENEATH THEM.’ @a goose
  3. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - You Can’t Insult Me If I Don’t Understand What You Mean ‘Talk out of neck?’ What was that supposed to mean? Was that a ‘polite’ way of saying that she was talking out of her- Wait - there was a room, and he was offering to… give it up? Or share it? Unacceptable. “Oh no, YOU take the room! If you’re left out there, you’ll probably end up either murdering someone or being murdered. I’ll…” She tried desperately to think of something. “...Go… elsewhere.” Scarabax’s Delight it was, then. A thousand curses. @Alex Mason @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - In, Over and Under …What difference would that make? The Ghost did say what he was after specifically was underneath the ruins, but still. She simply gives a shrug and a quizzical look. @a goose
  4. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - A Technicality So there was a room available. Oh, well that was a relief. First things first, though. “Can you not perceive the distress you are causing this woman,” she asks Karak, scathingly, “or do you just not care? I don’t-” Wait. She swerves back to the receptionist. “‘Technically’?” @Alex Mason @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - Pen Pals What is she doing? Is she… gesturing that she wanted to write something to her? Taldrix had considered this possibility, hence why there were numerous blank parchments with her - to either write down new messages or allow Somnii to do so. The problems were A: this may just cause sounds that would be detected by the Ghost’s infernal device, and B: she really doesn’t want to get close to the plague bearer. There is also something in her eyes, some horrible madness. But considering that Taldrix was having two different conversations with her at the same time, she doesn’t know if this was related to the destruction of the telegraph station or the Ghost’s hunt for the ruins. Or, quite possibly, it was just a symptom of the dream disease. She hadn’t told her what exactly the Ghost was looking for to have some leverage, but she wouldn’t be surprised if the Iron Tribals had found Great Being technology and were hoarding it for themselves, despite the delusions of being somehow superior to the Gatherers just because they were too weak and cowardly to take what they needed conventionally. Although the suspicion that the item knew more than she was letting on was growing, she simply makes a noise in response and left it at that. “Hrmm.” Mostly to ensure that the Ghost doesn’t suspect anything, if he is listening. Though Taldrix doubts he could be listening to her all the time from now on, she has no real way of knowing… for all she knows, the device does nothing, and this was all some sort of mind game, but she refuses to take that chance. Not that it was stopping her anyway. She writes down another note. ‘STEP AWAY FROM THE BARS.’ She would then very slowly try and pass several sheets of paper through the bars onto the cell floor, along with a spare stylus. Couldn’t let any noise be heard - but also, couldn’t actually get close to the Aula Agoria, lest risking contagion or altercation. @a goose
  5. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Quiet! “Quiet!” Vraek snaps back at Karak. “I am trying to have a conversation.” @Alex Mason @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - Unsynched Subtitles “Someone driven to madness by the plague, you think?” ‘HE’S AFTER SOMETHING IN THE CANYONS.’ “I take it you couldn’t find anyone to blame for it, in any case.” ‘THE PLAGUE COMPLICATES THIS.’ @a goose IC: Xyde (Iron Canyon, Cave) - Pep Talk “There are no guarantees about this, but...” That was nowhere near as comforting as Xyde intended it to be. “Sometimes terrible things happen and then you die, but sometimes… sometimes terrible things happen and then you have to keep on living.” @~Xemnas~
  6. IC: Lutenus (Outskirts of Atero, Training Ground) - Observations “All communication with the Iron Tribe has abruptly ceased,” Lutenus answers. “There’s not a single possible answer as to why that I like.” The unblinking gaze of his metal eye redirected to Ahmoa’s fingers drumming on the axe. “I see I’ve upset you, somehow. My apologies.” His mouth opens to say something else… and then his eyes appear to lose their focus, looking at Ahmoa but not acknowledging him. “I…” His eye makes a bizarre clicking sound. His attention turns back to Ahmoa. “I’m sorry, what were we talking about?” @Techn0geist @oncertainty IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Room 404 A sigh. “So there are no rooms available?” Vraek began to weigh her options should this be the case. She would rather chew her own arm off and get it cybernetically replaced than spend even a single second inside Scarabax’s Delight again, and tracking down Jeizmel and asking if she could stay with her was far too humiliating even to consider. Well, it was either an even seedier hotel or it was the alley for her too, alongside the fool behind her. @a goose @Alex Mason IC: Skrall (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Marketplace) - Every Man Has His Price Tag Skrall boarded the first caravan, not perplexed by how the transaction - if such a word could be used in this context - had taken a considerable amount of time, blaming it on the notorious avarice and belligerence of the Renegades. The feeling couldn’t be shaken that something very, very wrong had just taken place. Selling a brother to these peddlers as one would sell a broken sword. To say nothing of what unspeakable things would befall the once-Skrall in this cesspool. Was failure, however great, deserving of this? @a goose @BULiK @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @Nato G @oncertainty IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - A Deal Is a Deal “No.” Another page. Taldrix had her end of the deal to keep up. Information concerning the Ghost… what little she had. ‘HE’S NOT ONE OF OURS OR YOURS’ Taldrix then showed Somnii the other side. ‘HE CLAIMS HE’S A GREAT BEING’ Well, that wasn’t technically true seeing as he held some contempt for the title, but there was only so much you could put on one piece of parchment with the font size she was using. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to elucidate why exactly your telegraph station conveniently ‘malfunctioned,’ as you put it?” @a goose
  7. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Weapon Snobbery Oh Great Beings, she was definitely not getting paid enough for this. “I ‘fear’ that you’re probably going to end up sleeping in the alley outside if you can’t control yourself,” Vraek explained, turning back to address the interloper. “The establishment WILL forcibly eject you from the premises if you don’t wait to pay for accommodation and you don’t stop touching your… weapon?” She looked at it with some confusion. “What in the Lord of Ice’s name is even that? A sharp club?” Turning back to the receptionist, she whispered, though still loud enough to be overheard: “Please say that whatever room you give me, it’s one far away from HIM.” She jabbed a thumb at Karak behind her. @Alex Mason @a goose
  8. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Depending on You Vraek wasn’t paid enough for this. “Oh you’re here for the tournament, good for you,” she sneered at the strange Glatorian of uncertain origin. “Now wait your turn, you have to pay like the rest of us.” Then she turned back to the receptionist. “‘Depend on’ what, precisely?” @Jesse Pinkman @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - Cue Cards The last person Taldrix wanted to see or speak with right now was that spoilt princess, but the list of people she did want to see or speak with at any point was a blank page. Unlike the various pages of parchment she had in her hand. “How are we feeling now?” She asked, visibly not caring in the slightest. Before Somnii could respond, she held up a page that read the following, in big letters, so it would be easy to understand. ‘HE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING WE SAY’ Taldrix then flipped it around, revealing more. ‘SO DO NOT MENTION OUR DEAL’ @a goose IC: Xyde (Iron Canyon, Cave) - In My Professional Opinion If anyone else had asked this, Xyde might have replied with a sort of sarcastic comment. ‘No, I would instead skin them and eat their gizzards.’ But they knew that Aurax was simply worried about what had befallen his home, his friends, his family, his neighbours, his people. Lords knew Xyde would feel the exact same way, if the position were reversed. Not that anyone beyond Precipere would care in that scenario. “Yes, of course,” Xyde answered. “I’ll help anyone in any way I can, don’t worry yourself.” @~Xemnas~
  9. IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Alone on a Friday Night? Me Too “It’s fine.” It was not fine, but nevertheless, Vraek steeled herself and then searched herself for her own personal funds. “How much for one bed, for one night?” @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Taldrix’s Chambers) - Meanwhile, at My House - Oh, No, Sorry, It Just Looks Like It Taldrix returned to her chambers. There was some important information she had to put to papyrus. Scattered pieces of parchment lay across the floor - crumpled up failed drafts, neglected self-reminders, to-do lists, transaction receipts, item data, memos, frenzied spice-induced scribblings, and Element Lords knew what else. Small sacks of spice were kept here and there, and combined together they formed a miasma of temptation that Taldrix resisted bitterly. After all, she needed full cognizance for what she was going to do next. She’d have to do it silently - and thus, slowly. She began writing various messages in large letters on broad sheets. Of course, this would be for naught if the little princess couldn’t keep her mouth shut… @a goose
  10. IC: Lutenus (Outskirts of Atero, Training Ground) - Whispers Del. “Ah yes, that was the name. Del.” Lutenus repeated, feigning recognition. “Del.” He repeats again. “Del.” And again, seemingly staring off into space, both of his eyes seeming cold and dead, some sort of buzzing clicking sound being faintly heard before he snapped back to life. “I’ll have to speak with Del when we arrive in Tajun. I’ve heard whispers of something terrible happening in Ferrum - you haven’t heard anything yourselves, have you?” @Techn0geist @oncertainty IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - Frosty Reception Oh no. She couldn’t be mean to this one. The Glatorian sighed wearily. “There is a remote possibility that I may be booked. Under ‘Vraek’. Glatorian for Iconox.” @a goose IC: Skrall (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Marketplace) - A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Lose Skrall was very confused about the conversation his brother was having with the once-Skrall. Apparently, the once-Skrall did not feel comfortable seeing former brothers, which was understandable - less so was his brother’s need to mock him for it. It was also odd that the once-Skrall felt the need to state that the one before him was not a Sister, which should have been obvious. Had his mind been so damaged by… whatever it was the Sisters did to him in order to conjure infant Skrall, that he had mistaken him for one of them? He looked to the rest of his brothers, to see if they understood what was happening here. @Vezok's Friend @Mel @Burnmad @a goose @BULiK @oncertainty @Nato G IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, the Tower) - The Tower (XVI) “Of course, sir.” Taldrix left, being sure to close the door, as ‘requested’. She resisted the urge to take off the device the Ghost had ordered her to place behind her ear and stomp it into little pieces. Making her way downstairs, she considered how much of it she was to relay back to the Aula Agoria. That was the deal, of course - info about the plague for info about the Ghost - but deals could only ever end mutually beneficial if both sides had leverage. Stuck in a cell with a fatal disease, the princess didn’t really have much in the form of leverage. Not to mention the monitoring device would pick up- Oh no. She had to continue monitoring Somnii in order to verify the stages of the plague for the Ghost. But then her insolent tongue would undoubtedly give away their arrangement. Make it seem like she was consorting with the product for personal gain, which was true. Rubbing her eyes with her fingers as she came to the bottom of the staircase, she wondered how exactly she was going to wriggle out of this one… @a goose
  11. IC: Lutenus (Outskirts of Atero, Training Ground) - Eye See You The Glatorian’s head snaps to gaze down on Mard and Ahmoa, cyber-eye looming over them, as if looking straight through them. His smile said ‘OK, I believe you,’ but his eye said ‘you ####ing liars’. “Kind of you to say, but there’s no need for…” But then, his voice trails off, and his smile fades, replaced by tiredness and confusion. “For… for… for…” The eye loses focus on the two Agori and the aperture begins opening and closing rapidly while making noises it probably shouldn’t be making. “For your ah, ‘pity bet’, as it were.” He finishes, and suddenly its as if nothing strange happened at all, and he begins to walk away. But then… “Well, we should be going - oh!” As he pretends to only now suddenly remember, he stops and turns back to the training ground proprietors. “I never asked. Who was that Iron Glatorian you were with, earlier? I believe I vaguely remember them from somewhere…” He did not, of course, but moving his gaze towards the horizon while holding his chin in his left hand in thought may convince them he did. @Techn0geist @oncertainty IC: Vraek (Tajun Arena, Hotel Reception) - No Reservations About a Reservation Though she had briefly entertained notions of letting Jeizmel stay with her at her lodgings in Tajun, Vraek knew this couldn’t be so. Her room at the arena’s hotel would be a one-Glatorian sized room - if Metus knew what was good for him that was, as bookings for people who weren’t named Strakk or Gelu were under his jurisdiction. Or at least, Strakk was. Gelu had quit and taken up a disreputable mercenary profession. Which left the position of Iconox’s Second Glatorian open… not that Vraek cared about that sort of thing. She didn’t. Didn’t at all. Catching a brief glance of what she assumed was just a sleeping vagrant and not the recently murdered body of Tajun’s Atero councilor, she enters the arena building. Vraek walks up the counter and dings the bell. Reserved or not, she refused to spend the night in Scarabax’s Delight. Again. @a goose IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, the Tower) - Be Aware of His Stinger Tail! She was beginning to doubt that the Ghost respected anything, much less his own people- Wait… four eyes… were… could the Zesk… the Sand Tribe… what?! Taldrix wants to look to see if there was a stinger tail or a scar where a tail would be on the Ghost’s waist, but there’s no way for her to do that without looking like she was checking out his- “No sir, I believe that’s everything. I’ll continue to monitor the Aula Agoria and report on her condition.” @a goose IC: Xyde (Iron Canyon, Cave) - Bat Cave “I’ll take third.” Xyde trudges into the cave alongside the others. It didn’t seem any more inviting than the valley itself, but it was a shelter - in the same vein that a dagger was a scalpel. They imagine that this is the sort of place that Ash Agori were expected to live in and swap stories about any recently ‘defiled’ graves. What was it with people demanding that their belongings be buried alongside them? They were DEAD. Did they think they’d be able to take their prized possessions with them into that undiscovered country, from which no traveler returns? Hopefully, the people of Ferrum hadn’t been summoned to that place just yet… @Nato G @~Xemnas~ @a goose @oncertainty @Burnmad
  12. IC: Skrall (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Marketplace) - Witchcraft! Ah, of course - their games. Skrall had nearly forgotten. But would the south really abandon their independence, something they clearly prized by refusing to truly unite under one banner, merely because the Skrall would utterly demolish them in their arenas? Though, given how demoralizing that might be, they may eventually give up purely to save themselves further degradation- Wait, what was everyone looking at? There was… what once, may have been Skrall, behind metal bars, watching them. He gave a glance to the scout, as if to say ‘see what I’m talking about?’ Wait, did he really just say he didn’t believe in witchcraft? They had a conversation about this on the way here Skrall could only half-remember - did he really not believe that existed? How had he survived this long? Something just crossed Skrall’s mind. Logically, both the Renegades and the southerners must have females - unless they grew like plants, which somehow Skrall doubted. And, just as logically, these females must have powers of their own. Hopefully, this disqualified them from raiding, or the arena. Skrall would raise this point, but he had been obliquely commanded to be silent, so he did so. @Vezok's Friend @Mel @a goose @Burnmad @oncertainty @Nato G IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, the Tower) - Easy Come, Easy Go Now, what Taldrix wanted to say was that she wasn’t offended at all, because she knew that the fault lied with the average Gatherer, half as smart as a Zesk and about twice as ugly, but that might not be the best thing to say to someone who shared the Zesk’s four eyes. What she was about to say may also not be the best thing, but if she pretended to be subservient too much, he might get suspicious. “I imagine you told Crucius and the others what you’ve told me - or a version of it, anyway. I can’t say it offends me. Who wouldn’t pledge allegiance to you if they were convinced of ULTIMATE POWER being their reward?” Something takes over Taldrix, as she looms over the map. “The desert would be at our mercy.” And then she snaps back to normal. “Of which there is none.” Now, if it turned out whatever was left in the canyon wasn’t as impressive as the Ghost made it sound, or if they lost too many men to the plague or the beasts known to roam that area trying to uncover it… well. If the Ghost thought it was easy gaining control, he shouldn’t be surprised how easy it would be to lose it all if he couldn’t keep his promise. Even if Crucius and those two buffoons outside still stood by him after that, they’d be significantly outnumbered by the rest of the Gatherers, and Taldrix sincerely doubted even a Great Being could survive that many angry people with sharp implements. @a goose
  13. IC: Skrall (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Marketplace) - Be Careful What You Wish For Skrall began mulling it over. The scout’s comparison of him to a poorly-handled Spikit seemed to indicate that he believed that he only wanted to crush the Renegades because they were closer, not because they were… repulsive. They treated their slaves abominably and won them through foul means. The Skrall did not do such things… not in the same way, which was the crucial difference. There was no similarly between the Legion and the Renegades apart from something of a shared origin, nothing more. Nothing. As for his proposed strategy of attacking the tribe with the food first, this too sickened him. He would have vocally objected, but the Special Operations Skrall had commanded silence, without outright saying he was commanding silence, which was also insulting. Defeating the south by starving them would lack honor, especially since… Skrall searched for the right word. It was apparent that most of them were servants, but were not slaves, but also not warriors. They had those strange circular pieces of metal with little value to barter among themselves with. How very strange. The deaths of these people would stain the Legion’s conquest. Surely, their target should instead be… He froze as he contemplated the implications of what the scout proposed. A victory through such dishonorable means was bad enough, but then there was the tribe with the water, and the tribe that forged using lava, using the metals from the other two tribes. The southern tribes could only survive independently of each other through trading and their games. His eyes go wide in realization. There was no feasible way for the Skrall to achieve an honorable victory without either conquering every tribe at once - which clearly, none of his brothers here would have any confidence in - or by striking at their hub, the city known as Atero. A city full of those who were not warriors. Skrall decided he preferred thinking with his sword. @Burnmad @a goose @BULiK @oncertainty @Vezok's Friend @Nato G @Mel IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, the Tower) - Her Understanding “Yes. I think I do understand.” Taldrix said, nodding her head. “You came to us, and not the tribes, because we are easier to control. None of that democracy garbage in the tribes, where you win based on how well you can lie and how much wealth you can throw around. You came to us, because if they helped you, you’d have to give them their share. They might even have tried to destroy the ruins, if it conflicted with whatever religious nonsense is being peddled nowadays. And the Skrall would never listen to you, being so far up their own backsides that their meals are recyclable.” She tapped where Ferrum is on the map. “I also understand that you were so interested in Ferrum’s plague because it happens to be close to where these ruins are. We’ll be at risk of contracting it the more we operate in this region, so we need as much information on it as we can…” She turned to the Ghost. “This would be my reasoning if I were you, at least, sir.” @a goose
  14. IC: Maxas and Vraek (Streets of Tajun) - If You Need Instructions on How to Get Through to the Hotel… “Oh, think nothing of it. I should…” Vraek trailed off, scanning the crowd. Where was he? He was never this late before… was he held up? Or did he have one of his schemes hatched? Vraek noted how dark and less oppressively warm it was getting. She turned back to Jeizmel. “We should retire for the night, it’s getting late.” Hopefully this time there would be less of a hassle with her reservation at the Arena Hotel. “I will see you again, I’m certain. Goodnight, and… keep yourself safe.” The Ice Glatorian then turned on her heel to leave - and almost tripped over a nervous Water Agori, who very quickly ran way. “Ah! Hrmph.” Hopeful that nobody saw that apart from Jeizmel, Vraek began wading through the crowd to the hotel… @That Matoran with a Vahi IC: Skrall (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Marketplace) - Mixing Work and Politics Skrall took only a little sip of the water ration handed to him, to conserve it. “The fact remains - the Renegades are a blight upon these sands. They may not steal primarily from the Skrall, but they do steal from the southern tribes. When Roxtus conquers the south, as it must, they will most likely begin stealing from us. Whereas, the opposite would be true - conquering the Renegades would perhaps make the southerners…” He struggled to find the right word. “Less hostile?” @a goose @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @BULiK @oncertainty @Mel
  15. I've always imagined that the real reason why the Shadowed One hated the Makuta so much was because Vamprah - for his own amusement and to keep the Hunters from getting too full of themselves - kept breaking into the fortress, wrecking up the place and scaring people.
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