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Photoshop Madness



When I step into deviantart, a bombload of pictures greet me. Nearly all of them have one thing in common.


They all have been processed through a high-end digital image renderer of some sort. It could've been Painter, or MS Paint (for dot-dot pics), or what I've just acquired - Photoshop.


My twin discovered my recent upgrade of personal technology gadgetz, and we went a little crazy with some slipshot work.


Pic 1


Then we found an old picture.


Pic 2


Then I plucked up a little courage, and edited a photo as much as I dared.


So here's the final product.


And that's all you're seeing from me. Yeap.


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Aah, you couldn't resist. I knew it. Once ToM did it, there was no question of who would follow suit, only when.


You know I'm joking. :P


Someone's mom keeps a lively flowerbed.




Edit: Since when is MSPaint a high-end digital image renderer? Just asking. I mean, they package it with Windows®.

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There's a form of art called 'oekaki' which should mean 'image by dots' or something like that. The processor of choice would've been MSPaint, because it does a lot of dots too.


You should send that comment to Tokyo Disneyland, then. It was a cold, rainy day in D-land, and we stopped by the little cottages near Cinderella Castle.


And yes, it was ToM.



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There's a form of art called 'oekaki' which should mean 'image by dots' or something like that. The processor of choice would've been MSPaint, because it does a lot of dots too.

For the record, it is called "pointilism" in English. :)


Thank you for sharing your picture. :)




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