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It Would've Been Enjoyable



I bet you face this more than I do, as the people in question are Caucasian. No, no racism. More of kids in general, but I'll explain later.


Went to watch PotC, and we got a row that was right in front of a row of little boys.


These were Caucasian boys, and before the show they were talking - at unnaturally high-pitched voices.


Don't get me wrong. All little boys squeak, sure, but as far as I've observed, those five behind me were the squeakiest I heard.


And they kept squeaking - right into the movie.


It was horrid. I was trying my best to focus on the movie and not get annoyed, but you know how little boys go - like a motor car, puttling on, and on, and on...


'I saw the second movie!' 'I saw the first and second movie!' 'Me too!' 'Me three!' 'I didn't watch any of them.' 'I hate Barbossa!' 'Me too!' 'Me three!' 'Captain Jack Sparrow!' 'Captain Jack Sparrow!' 'Captain Jack Sparrow!' 'Bad guy!' 'BAD GUY!' 'I like Jack Sparrow!' 'Me too!' 'Me three!' 'Me four!' 'CRABS!'


Kissing scenes are the cues for the chorus - 'EWWWW!'


Imagine this going on right behind you. If you knew your acoustics well, the violins were not featured at every minute of the movie, and the boys' voices were at that frequency - all the way.


If I were to make a proper review about the movie, it'd be with a DVD, in the comfort of home, and no squeaky children! Seriously, I wish some places had a children-ban.


No offence to those under twelve reading this. Please tell me you don't act like those uncontrolled things.


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It''s always fun to verbally critique a movie, but other members of the audience tend not to appreciate it. :P



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Of course this applies to little kids, or older kids without that maturity. I wouldn't think you'd sound like them, 'hi ppl'.


We see the adverse example of that, 'cj. Eck.


ToM, so agree with ya. Thanks.



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It isn't kids. Just people who do that in general during a movie.


A slight quiet comment on one part of the film isn't too bad, I do that sometimes.


But what you describe if what I hate. People talking. Kids -and- adults. :P



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No offence to those under twelve reading this. Please tell me you don't act like those uncontrolled things.

*isn't offended, isn't under twelve, is making 14 this November*


There has to be better ways to talk about movies while watching them though. Perhpas you should just bring a notepad and pencil to the theator and give them to anybody talking if it happens again. Okay, wouldn't quite work. Ah well; pities.

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I dislike going to movie theaters exactly because I can't yell things out and make fun of the movie. And because it's too dark to get work done.

And because there hasn't been a single decent movie out since Snakes On A Plane and maybe 300.

But mostly Snakes On A Plane. I guess I'm too used to Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Ah well. Such is such is.



And I hate it because there are small children. Yeah.

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