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Hey Hey You You... Oh No...



You know how painful it is when terrible, but addictively catchy, songs reverberate in your head incessantly, in repeat mode, not giving you peace or focus?


I put the blame on Avril Lavigne's decision to give The Music Industry (TMI) a run for its money - and its life. Her album, though seen by most of us as a change from 'That Rough and Tough Girl' to 'Tween Rocker' and a Hilary Duff with a dash of salt, is seen as me as a shoutout to the people who run TMI and those who gravitate to TMI. She's still the same old Avril Lavigne, who decided to throw us off with pink.


What really threw me off, as you could see, was her single.


It was so catchy, that it had to be performed at our graduation concert. I was mortified.


It got implanted in my head, and it's still ringing.



To get rid of this soon-to-be-health-scare, I listened to a roundhouse of 'catchy' songs to clear my head.


The Ham(p)ster Dance. Yes, that.

Holiday by Green Day. It's catchy, or at least the catchphrase is.

Black Betty by SpiderBait.

True Colours, by whoever-the-real-artist-is. Really, this song has been 'covered' and replayed to death. It's almost hate-able, but Phil Colins saved it.

Rock This Party.

Canon in D. Yes, Pachelbel's Canon in D.


But what really got that annoying song out of my head?


'Poisoning Pigeons in the Park', by musical and limerick-al Tom Lehrer. Google that, and find an AOL page with the lyrics and melody in MIDI. Sing along.


It's way more lovely (and funny) than 'Girlfriend'. I wouldn't mind singing that song over and over again.



But, the awful fact stares at us in the face: The song with the catchiest catchline automatically catches the captured audience.


'All the world seems in tune, on a spring afternoon, when we're...'


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I don't like how too many interpretations of that Canon seem to be way more Romantic-era than Baroque.

Pachelbel is turning in his grave because of this...and because nobody cares about his other works!

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Agreed whole-heartedly! I know that Pachelbel was quite the composer - but his other works were forgotten due to this repetitive D-major.


Maybe you have some in mind you can recommend to me? :D



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Yes! I experienced that the day after someone played Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" for me. Made it really hard to concentrate on my algebra...


One song which helps is "Star Trekkin" by Firm. It can be annoying, but it usually replaces the song currently going through your head.




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And thank you so much <dd> for spreading the madness to me immediately after I read the title. :P Glad you got it out though.
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With a touch of KH, I might not. ;)


Oh Nu! Grab some cyanide and peanuts, we're going to the park! (LOL) It's madness, all right.


Turakii, will try to find that song. The idea of a more annoying song replacing an annoying song in your head is an efficient solution, don't you agree?



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Thanks, you've now implanted Canon in D in my head...as soon as I read that, I was gone, haha. At least it replaced the Blink-182 song(First Date) that was stuck in my head...:P

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Agreed whole-heartedly! I know that Pachelbel was quite the composer - but his other works were forgotten due to this repetitive D-major.


Maybe you have some in mind you can recommend to me? :D





Well...I admit that I really don't know any of his other works. Partially because nobody really prints them/records them.

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Pity. I think he did one about a season or an animal, maybe both words together, but it escapes me.


Ah well.


IT is now infected with D, A, b, f#, G, D, G, and A on repeat!!



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