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Too Many Ideas



For someone who percolates as much as I do, maybe letting a blog sit and fallow for a long while would not be good for his/her mental well-being.


Putting it down straight, I've had too many ideas on what I wanted to blog about. I also partly blame the strange hours I've been returning home from polytechnic for the past week - evening/night time. I rarely do that - it's detrimental to my physical well-being - but it happened. My brain shorts out at night, and hence I feel hardly inclined to blog.


Now I feel so, so hyper about blogging about so, so many things... that I'll do them, point by point.


1) Drama-Mamas


Many, many writers are going drama-mama on us all. It's no help that films and really-popular-TV-shows are fuelling the drive to be the most drama-tic. I won't delve into the topics, even if LEGO is not so 'innocent' about things anymore and we most certainly aren't. We know what falls into the 'drama' category.


Even I'm guilty of it.


But everyone still writes about wars. At least something old stays. The debate between drama, war, or both interlocked together under one story will continue when I've seen enough.


2) Transformer Movie View-Date


I've confirmed it. Home country Singapore is going to see the Transformer movie BEFORE it opens in the US.


I think.


The opening date over here is June 28th.


3) *tries to recall*... Something about Gershwin.


A new assignment cropped up. Music Theory. Research and present on a composer/composers.


My friend and I wanted the easiest one: Mozart. That dude was snatched before I could press the 'Enter' key.


We made do with the Gershwin Brothers. All the fans of 'Rhapsody in Blue' and 'I Got Rhythm', cheer with me! We're not quite sure what on earth the lecturers want from us, so a trip to the arts library is planned.


4) Kill the school administration system.


I was shortlisted to be a participant of this PolyForum - essentially, a 3-day cruise where the main event is 'debate'. It looked seriously good and cheap, so I accepted the offer.


There was an interview.


They decided to notify us all with email about the interview that occured the day after.


And the problem with emails: You don't have an alert system with an inbox - especially a school-given inbox.


So I only found out about the interview TODAY - four days after the interview.


It was stupid. Everyone loathed the extra inbox that gave 99.9% of their spamload. I don't know how many people even got to the interview. I knew I didn't.


Tomorrow's my last chance to set things straight. If not, I'm going to sink that cruise ship with a few cannonballs and a crew - if I could.


Actually... I was more hyped about 'Drama-Mama' than anything else, but I thought it wise to do a bit of research before I pull out the shots.


Oh, and now I remember it!


5) Blind Little Boys.


While watching the Transformer trailer for PotC3, you all should remember the irritating boys that sat behind me in the theatre, right?


You know what they labelled the robots?






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