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Coming And Going



I took the train down to the airport to pick up my twin sis. She returned from a school literature trip in England - and I could not wait to hear what news she had to bring.


When she finally came down, she was one of the last few to collect her bags. The teachers gave a de-brief, and she was one of the first few who walked out of the arrival area.


You could imagine what she had to face when, after a long flight from Europe to Asia, she had to endure a heavy glomp from her not-so-light sister.


She didn't suffer from jet lag, so she told me lots. She watched 'Spamalot', and it was hilarious. A few descriptions were good enough to get the jokes in the story. She witnessed the horse and the horsemen train for the Queen's Birthday Parade - and even took a video from her camera. There were at least fifty of those men, high, smart and dapper, on their even more dapper horses with arched necks, trotting across the street in sync.


She went to Bath - and did not go to see the Roman baths. All because of a four pound fee. There was shopping, and she bought a Harrod's bear because it was cute, and had magnetic paws and a magnetic face! It was for playing 'Peek-A-Boo'.


The funniest one of them all - she had fish and chips there with the schoolmates - by the wharf. The seagulls that were there hovered around, perching at the nearest buildings and staring - staring - at the students' meals.

Having enough of the glares, the group took the initiative to scout around the area, and found a proper spot where there were no buildings nearby. The gulls never had a chance.


All right, that was the 'coming'. For the 'going'.


<dd> may be headed to the US.


There was the PolyForum event, but I was rejected because I missed the interview (and the story behind that is gruesome and extremely nasty) - but this was a way better idea.


It helps that I got a school scholarship that nearly halved the fee, AND both parents are so keen on my going that they want to hop onto the band wagon.


That's it for me from now. Oh, is there any Bionicle-related event occuring in the US between 28th August to 6th September?



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The US is a big place... we get people complaining all the time that events are on the other coast so they can't attend them. saying that, where possibly would you be going.


Your sister sounded like she had a fun trip. Hope you get to go on one too.



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No event that I know in the summer that involves Bionicle or Lego. Bink may have the answer to that.


But where do you plan on going in the US? :P



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*I'm too used to the tiny island life...*


I think we're visiting the West coast... wherever Los Angeles and San Franciso are - yeah, the West. X_X I'm unfamiliar with US geography.


My big goals in travelling are to visit the US and the UK! :lol: Now that my other half has accomplished half of that goal, I hope I get to fill the other half up.



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LA and San Fran? :P


Oh I figured you would come to New York City or Boston. :P


I have this travelling goal that involves mostly Asia, which is visit all the main cities of the continent.


Got Hong Kong out of the way. Now I gotta do Tokyo, Shanghai, Bangkok, Manila, and wherever else I like. :P



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Hee... why not Singapore? :P


I'd love to go visit Boston and N.Y., but it seems like Silicon Valley rides higher in the school's sightseeing priority.


I'm going mainly for Universal Studios and Disneyland - together.



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I visited those too (but also Knott's Berry Farm and Sea World) one or two summers ago. Come to think of it, we left Universal out, but it was planned.
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