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all aboard the nostalgia train~

Taka Nuvia


See, 2018 is a weird year because a lot of things that matter a lot to me are officially about 10 years old now. What they are? I am preparing something for a proper celebration, so you'll find out later (way to build a hype, huh? xD)


Anyway, I've been around this site for such a long time, 10+ years now. I remember this place in its heyday, when I would just talk to -so- many people (being a really communicative 13-year old with way too much free time...). I would start writing an Epic, which, cringey as it might have been, is still my longest continuous work of fiction. Written in a language that is not my native language, nonetheless. c:


Ultimately BZPower and seeing art by all the amazing people around here was also what inspired me to draw on a regular basis, and set goals for myself that I wanted to achieve within a year, art-wise.


Many things have changed, like my over-use of smileys (though I miss that, really.), vague-blogging about drama (although I should blog more in 2018, consider this an almost-resolution.), but many things have stayed the same. I still draw, I still try way too hard to be funny ( ;) ), and I still really like hanging around here, even if the place has become a little less busy over the years. ^^


So I really have no idea how to conclude this... I'll just point out that I am currently writing (as in, actually doing the writing part of) my master thesis, so don't be too surürised if I semi-disappear at times again ^^'

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