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I ain't dead yet



I disappear for a few years and the whole website changes. Why do you do this to me?

But in reality life has uhhhh really freaking sucked.

Still recovering from freaking hurricane freaking sandy in 2012.

We had a contractor steal $60,000 this year. So that messed everything up. Here is a tumblr post from before we had that stolen that sums up everything from 2012 to the start of this year. It's insane.

At this point right now we are in an RV park that closes in like two weeks with no where to go so might be homeless unless there is a miracle or we find something.

How have you all been?

(I can't promise I'll post much but I have wanted to make an I'm alive post for awhile.)

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So I've suddenly been getting email notifications from all sorts of BZP blogs that I once followed years ago.  I read through your full Tumblr post; I'm sorry things have been so bad!  It looks like quite a few users have been posting "I'm alive" entries, perhaps I should do one of my own?  I'm doubtful there's any who would still remember me here.

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1 hour ago, Argetlam said:

So I've suddenly been getting email notifications from all sorts of BZP blogs that I once followed years ago.  I read through your full Tumblr post; I'm sorry things have been so bad!  It looks like quite a few users have been posting "I'm alive" entries, perhaps I should do one of my own?  I'm doubtful there's any who would still remember me here.

Holy heck you're still alive too! It's been ages!

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