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Bambi's Star Wars Reviews



As you may or may not remember, I am a pretty big Star Wars fan. I don't think I ever talked about any of the new movies or shows here though due to being away from BZP at the time, and I'm sure you've all been lying awake at night wondering what I think about them. Well, you can rest easy tonight, for I am about to reveal all. I'll start with Rebels since that was the first new Star Wars after being bought by Disney:

- Rebels 

I was excited at first, but then I realized it was really just a very dumbed-down and super kid friendly version of The Clone Wars. The only part I really enjoyed was the second half of season two. It seemed like every time the show started heading in the right direction and get interesting, it would completely fall flat on it's face. I really didn't like it at all, and I think it's a terrible successor to TCW, but I realize I'm not really the target audience for the show.

- The Force Awakens

When I saw the trailer, I thought it looked amazing. I couldn't wait  for December of 2015 to get here. After I saw it the first time I loved it, but after watching it a few more times I realized it's really similar to A New Hope, which is better in every way. I don't dislike the film but I don't really care too much for it either. It's just okay.

- Rogue One

I loved this movie. I enjoyed the action, I like the characters, and the story. It feels like it fits right in with the original trilogy, which is fitting considering how it leads into A New Hope lol.

- The Last Jedi

Ah, this film. I remember in the theater thinking multiple times, "what am I watching?" There's so much I didn't like such as Leia flying in space and Force Facetime, but to me the most grievous sin of all was the handling of Luke's character. No respect for the poor guy, which is a shame since he's one of my favorites. 

- Solo

Not much to say about this. It's kind of just there. It was alright, but when I want to watch Star Wars it's not really my first choice. I also think the inclusion of Maul in the end was a little odd lol.

- Rise of Skywalker

Uh... Not sure what to make of this one. Poor J.J. had to try and fix everything about TLJ and wrap up this mess of a story. Didn't really like them shoehorning Palpitine in there. Honestly I only watched this film once so I don't remember everything about it and therefore don't have much to say about it lol.

The Clone Wars Season 7:

Yeesssss. By far the best Star Wars since Disney's acquisition. The middle part was pretty dull, but the last four episodes are some of the best in the entire show. Nice to finally get that closure.

I think it's sad that we haven't had more video games, though considering EA is be the publisher I guess it's a blessing in disguise lol. But yeah, those are my thoughts. 

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Rogue One is also a favorite of mine!! I like stories about the 'little people', not just big-name force-weilders. (although I'm learning that everyone in star wars has at least a novella or comic arc of a backstory though XD so the term 'little people' becomes relative, depending on what you count from Legends and the disney retconning and stuff). 

I felt similarly about Rebels as opposed to TCW, although I think my problem was not letting myself digest TCW before starting Rebels. Grew up as the prequels were coming out, and I have really good memories of going to the theaters with my fam to see them, so I think the bent towards TCW is inherent. I'll probably give Rebels another try. I liked it, but just like, there's more to life than Jedi, people.

Sequel trilogy, I enjoyed in theaters for what they were (space-Leia called for one ounce too much of suspension-of-disbelief, agreed that was a major negative for me) 

Have you had the chance to watch The Mandalorian? 

Also, have you read any of the novels? Although they were retconned to Legends, I really thoroughly enjoyed the Republic Commando novels recently, among other books from the franchise. The original Thrawn trilogy is on my bookshelf, as well as the Ahsoka and Leia books. Currently reading Queen's Shadow, the Padmé one. 

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40 minutes ago, Aderia said:

Have you had the chance to watch The Mandalorian? 

I don't know how I forgot that. >_< I waited for the first season to finish before I watched it and while I enjoyed it, I feel that maybe it's a tad bit overrated. I do like the mystery surrounding the baby Yoda and I'm pretty excited to see Ahsoka in season two. ^^

As for novels, the only one I've read is Death Troopers. A friend recommended it to me a while back and I liked it! I've always wanted to get into the novels. I remember as a child going to the library and seeing all the books, but I had no idea where to start. I actually have the first book of the Thrawn trilogy on my bookshelf, and after about a year of owning it I'm finally going to give it a read once I finish the current series I'm on (so in like a week lol). I've heard nothing but good things about it so I'm excited. ^^

I've also wanted to read the Republic Commando novels as well because I heard they are pretty good, and I loved playing the game back in the day lol.

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Funny story (well, I think it's funny), I got into the Republic Commando books because I saw funny/cute comics about Jango Fett getting 2 million Father's Day cards from all his clones, and I googled whether or not clones were sterile, and that's how I got pulled into the world of Star Wars Legends - meme power XD Fair warning, and perhaps you know this, the last novel in the Commando series was never written, but Karen Traviss published a bullet list of what would have happened. So be prepared to live in perpetual cliffhanger. Worth it, but still. Her Mandalorian language is super cool, too, and the worldbuilding she does with the culture. Definitley a highlight for me. 

Let me know how you like the Thrawn books! Haha, you'll probably get to them before me. (I promised myself I'd give Dune another shot before the end of the year, after multiple recommendations from others, and with the new on-screen adaptation coming out. no shame in bandwagoning, right?) 

Death Troopers sounds like a good read for Halloween season, maybe I'll see if I can get my hands on a copy. 

Hahaha one of the main reasons I started TCW (disney+, because no cable growing up whoooo!) was because I've only ever heard awesome things about Ahsoka, and when I saw she was going to be in season 2 of Mando, I wanted to get in on the hype and be able to actually appreciate it. Super excited! 

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7 minutes ago, Aderia said:

I saw funny/cute comics about Jango Fett getting 2 million Father's Day cards from all his clones

Well that's... Not something I've ever thought about. :P

Oooh, so you recently got into TCW? You're lucky you didn't have to deal with the heartbreak of the show being cancelled. ;-; I didn't like Ahsoka at all really when it first started, but by the end of the series she ended up being a favorite of mine and a highlight of Rebels.

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Yes haha, I put off getting Disney+ for a long time, like "I don't want to support the entertainment monopoly, and besides they're only doing remakes of classics at this point." But then enough people told me I just had to see the Mandalorian, and I also hadn't seen Iron Man 3 or Captain Marvel at that point, and the rest is history. (haha, also, my reasoning about not wanting to support a huge corporation by subscribing to their service was stupid because I currently am working at an Amazon warehouse to save up for school, so I'm literally working for one of the largest companies anyways xD) But yeah, I was able to watch TCW over the period of about 6 months. I've heard from others their stories powering through the cancellation and the sadness that ensued. Somewhat related note, I forgot to mention that I did read Dark Disciple, the continuation of Ventress' character arc, and would also recommend. I still enjoyed the Commando books more, but yeah. 

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10 hours ago, Aderia said:

I forgot to mention that I did read Dark Disciple, the continuation of Ventress' character arc, and would also recommend. 

Hm, I'm not particularly crazy about her, so not sure if I'll get around to those any time soon. I'm just happy we got to see what became of Maul. <3

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Yes, I think I would have enjoyed seeing the episodes more than the book - it's not always the easiest translating the integrity of a character from screen to page and vice versa. That being said, I think the author did a fine job. 

Maul-wise, it initially took me a little while to get on board that he was still alive (very confused watching Solo the first time XD), but yeah, he had a good arc. Also, I love Duel of the Fates. John Williams, man. What a legacy. 

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5 hours ago, Aderia said:

Yes, I think I would have enjoyed seeing the episodes more than the book - it's not always the easiest translating the integrity of a character from screen to page and vice versa. That being said, I think the author did a fine job. 

Maul-wise, it initially took me a little while to get on board that he was still alive (very confused watching Solo the first time XD), but yeah, he had a good arc. Also, I love Duel of the Fates. John Williams, man. What a legacy. 

Yeah, honestly I thought it was an odd choice to bring him back, but it certainly worked out imo. His rampage through the galaxy is definitely a highlight of the Clone Wars era.

As for Duel of the Fates...

The music throughout the entire series is nothing short of incredible~ Duel of the Fates is one of my favorite Star Wars soundtracks. ^^

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