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Ending 2020



Well, I tried to stay optimistic throughout the the year, and believe everything wasn't as bad as everyone was making it out to be, but as 2020 comes to a close...I have to agree that it sucked. Besides the pandemic and everything else going on, nothing particularly good happened. I didn't find love, I didn't get a job, I didn't graduate, I didn't get to go to Brickfair.

Meanwhile, there were a few personal negative moments. I don't want to get to personal, but I lost my car towards the end of last year and I'm driving one I like significantly less now. And more recently, one of my cats has not been feeling well, and we may end up losing him if the medicine doesn't help.

So how did we get here? The year seemed to be starting off well compared to last year. I was building great friendships, going out al the time, and spending lots of time in my school's student center. I was the best 2 months for my social life in a long time...and then the coronavirus hit. My school, like many others, closed down for the rest of the semester. The student center closed, there was no more late night vibing, and I packed up to ship home. At this point, I was still very optimistic, I was getting to spend a little time at my family home I hadn't been planning on, and I was confident things would get back to normal soon enough.

Obviously, that didn't happen. But I initially enjoyed the chance to spend some time at home. I had been planning to graduate this fall, which meant, I wasn't sure when I would be able to spend more time there. My friends and I transitioned from meeting up in person almost every day to mostly talking online. But I lost contact with a lot of the people I was less close with, which was one of my favorite parts of hanging out in public at the student center. 

I also spent a lot of the summer filling out applications and sending resumes, hoping to find a job or internship before the fall semester. Ultimately, I didn't. The fall semester was a strange change of pace, being back at school without being able to hang out constantly or spend time in public. But I handled my work very well, and I actually like my new apartment a lot.

But all that has given me a lot of time to play some video games. I found a little RPG I really like called Heartbeat that has entered into my top 10 games of all time. I beat Crypt of the Necrodancer as Aria. I have done some online gaming with friends since we can't be together in person as much. Most recently, I have been playing a lot of the online implementation of Dominion, my favorite card game.

So yeah, overall not a great year. I can't say for sure it was worse than everything that happened to me last year, but it was certainly not great. I think like all of us, I'm hoping for the best next year, but preparing for more of the same. I'm definitely graduating this time, I just hope I can get a job lined up and maybe have a few in-person vibes before then.

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Sorry things didn't work out for you this year. But at least you seem to have goals to work towards and things to look forward to in 2021. Wishing you the best. ^^

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Hey, it could have been a lot worse. I tried to remain positive right up until the end. And like I said, last year could be considered worse depending on how you look at it, but let's hope for the best for all of us in the next one.

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Yeah, I totally get the pandemic throwing a wrench in your academic plans. I think I'm in a similar boat, my school I was going to start at went online, which was a bummer, but I'd personally rather have it that way than the whole become a petri dish. :shrugs: But yeah, sad solidarity. 

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Hope your cat feels well soon! :( I’m sorry that your year did not go as planned. I cannot imagine how stressful the college shutdowns must have been. Hope this year will be better for you.

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On 1/29/2021 at 3:20 AM, Mushy the Mushroom said:

Hope your cat feels well soon! :( I’m sorry that your year did not go as planned. I cannot imagine how stressful the college shutdowns must have been. Hope this year will be better for you.

Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but we have his memory.

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On 2/14/2021 at 2:52 PM, Valendale said:

Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but we have his memory.

I’m so sorry. :(

If you have a photo of him, I’d be happy to do a pencil sketch/drawing and send you the image scan, if you’d like. 

Edited by Mushy the Mushroom
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