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I just got accepted into graduate school. My dream program. I feel excited, and I also feel guilty for feeling excited because I'm also still mourning. None of this makes sense.

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Give yourself time to mourn your dog. When it's time for grad school, the feelings will be easier to manage.

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Hey, I guess I stumbled on this at the right day. Right now, I'm going through with my cat a lot of the same things you mentioned going through with your dog and I'm worried I might be about to lose her for good. Come to think of it, I got her right around the time I joined BZPower too. We're just voices on a silly old forum, and your status as the person who comes back and posts a blog entry every so often has long eclipsed anything I might have known you for when you were actually active in my mind, but for just a moment I was able to feel like there was someone else out there who understood me. I'd give you a hug if I could.

Give yourself as many days to cry as you need. It might take longer to get over than you expect or feel is expected of you. That's okay. You may feel good for several days and then suddenly find yourself a wreck again. That's okay too.

And I hope grad school is as good for you as it was for me.

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