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Grandma + Gollum = Grallum!



I love The Lord of the Rings! It is my precious...

I've read the books through at least thrice... I think I've read The Two Towers fource... it is my favorite book...

I love the movies too. That's what this entry is about.

You see, me and my sister got my grandma to watch Peter Jackson's wonderful, amazing, beautious, um... you get the point... a while back. She kinda enjoyed them, but she didn't understand them enough to love them as I do.

So I got here to watch them again, and she loved them! Yay! I paused it and helped her understand some things when she didn't get it (which wasn't very often. Only once or twice a movie).

She really like Gollum. At first she said she'd never like him, or pitty him, and now she's always talking about Gollum... I have a strange Grandma. She keeps Brown Recluses as pets... how strange. She doesn't cook... she is the total opposite of what you think most grandma's would be.

She's awesome.

She liked the movies enough to want to watch the special features! Amazing... ao now we are almost done with disk one of the special features of Fellowship.

Yesterday, when me and my sister were down at her house, she started jumping around the living room, trying to be like Gollum. She is so weird... I told her today I would start calling her Grallum. Hence the title above.

I've got a Grallum
For a Grandma
She is really strange!
She drinks Green Tea
And it makes her really
Really really really odd!

Didja like my song? I didn't. I just made it up on the spot...

And for those of you who wish to know, we were watching the extended edition. And the extended special features.



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I like the films, but I dislike the books greatly. Most greatly. Too...drawn out for my tastes.


The plot also bothers me...I only like the films 'cos of the special effects. I'm weird like that.



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