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Exams And Even More Tohunga

ToM Dracone


You're probably getting exasperated with the incessant stream of Tohunga in this blog, so I'll get to the non-Tohunga news first ( :P ), that I have final exams next week. I may have English and History switched, but I think this is how they go:



Biology – Not hard. Entirely multiple choice, but some can be tricky...

English II – Mm... harder. Because a lot is written answers, and though I know the texts pretty well, there are a lot of them...



French IIIe – Pah! C'est du français. C'est facile.

World History II – Lot to know, but it looks like aside from that and being a lot longer it's like our usual tests... Which are time-consuming more than they are hard. But I always wind up forgetting something on History exams...



Advanced Algebra – AAAUGH. My hardest class ever. I hate vectors. A lot of the stuff I've had to re-learn because we haven't used it in ages... I just know I'm going to panic and forget how to do something or make a mistake something really basic. :fear:

Latin III – Easiest final of all. Even more so than French. Very last final, and during the conflict exams slot, so there's barely anyone in the gym with me... It's pretty much a relaxing experience. ^_^


Then just one more day of school on Monday, to get exams back and listen to a variety of presentations and speeches and award-giving, and then it's summer vacation!



Now, Tohunga!


IPB Image Toromaga in a tree! There's actually a real Tohunga like this in the MNOLG, but I realized today it's a perfect Tohunga form for Toro. So it became such!

IPB Image Hanging from a different branch...

IPB Image Aaaand falling out of the tree.

IPB Image Takua in a different willow tree than Hahli, the sun behind him

IPB Image On the railing, shining in the sun

IPB Image A scene from the MNOLG episodes from 2002, with Takua, Nuparu, and Kongu plotting against the Nuhvok in Le-Wahi


Lord Beckett: "You're mad!"

Jack: "Thank goodness for that, 'cause if I wasn't, this would probably never work."

~ ToM


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Good luck on your exams ToM!

Ahh, français! Français est trop facile! Tu vas faire bon. Tu ne dis pas que tu parles français, ToM. Je parle français parce que j'habite au Canada et j'apprends français à l'école. (but I'm still learning).

But from the sounds of it, it seems like you can do well on your exams. It's a shame my website is still not ready, because it might've helped you in your history class (my website is all history information). But may I ask, what years/countries are you studying?


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Je vais faire bien, monsieur Trunn. :P Oui, je parle français – mon père est belge, alors le français est plus ou moins ma ... première langue et demi. Ce que je ne fais pas si bien est écrire en français.


For history, general European history from the Congress of Vienna up to the beginning of the Cold War is on the final...

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Ain't Tohunga just the greatest? I'm personally contemplating building all 39 or so MNOGHunga, what with the 50+ ones I have... but we'll see. :P [/braggin']


And best of luck with your exams. Mine are not nearly as tough, but then again, neither am I. I'm sure you'll do great!



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Je vais faire bien, monsieur Trunn. Oui, je parle français – mon père est belge, alors le français est plus ou moins ma ... première langue et demi. Ce que je ne fais pas si bien est écrire en français.


For history, general European history from the Congress of Vienna up to the beginning of the Cold War is on the final...

Je peux écrire ce que j'apprends à parler à l'école. Bon chance monsieur Dracone.


Congress of Vienna, that's too early for me! When it comes to Europe I'm good with The Battle of Stamford Bridge, The Battle of Hastings, Alfred the Great, fall of Rome, etc., I like the nice old stuff!

Sorry I can't help you there.


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