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I was thinking, earlier today, and I realized something: World War III may have already occured and we don't know it. Technology and strategy and politics and the internet and war have become so interwoven that we may have just had WW3.5, and we aren't aware of it because it's being fought in a whole different way.


That clerk at Wal-Mart who hands you your change back funny! He may be the leader of a world wide conspiracy and he isn't even aware of it! Just by pressing one button on the register, he may be giving the order to his unknowing agents to set in motion an event that will cause the 2028 Digital Wars between New Franceland and the Newly and Unwittingly Independent State of Oklahoma! Nothing is a certainty! Life has become so complicated that now people who believe they are part of one thing turn out to be cogs in an entirely different thing.


We might be living different identities than even we think we are. The sovereign country of Wal-Mart may be seceding from the country-within-a-country of Floyd Gilkosmeeden's Lawn while the peacekeeping group Google may be fighting the evil super-corporation the United Nations which is waging war on the United Alliance of Some Hobos and a Piece of Toe Jam, currently embroiled with its own military offense against Paris, and yet everything will appear to be and operate as what we think it is on the surface, while it is really no more than a complex set of machinations disguising and tricking everything a hundred thousand million billion trillion times over in reverse halfway through to the middle of the beginning of the end.


You cannot confirm what you know. You cannot deny what you didn't know before you knew that somebody knew that they didn't know what you knew you would know if they happened to know what you thought you knew before you knew now what you know they know you didn't know when you knew what wasn't quite precisely but really in fact was new when they knew that you didn't know it knew it would know it was old when you knew. Really.


I just realized that this sounds like Fox Mulder mixed with a bit more crazy.






In other news, I went on a walk with my dad today. The conversation we had was the basis for this entry.


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GMan, didn't you know?........New Franceland and Newly and Unwittingly Independent State of Oklahoma have been at war for quite some time now.......

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Nonono, that's a different war, the one they're waging right now is over the small city within Farmer McDoogyhobe's armpit, Yeeeeeeeesmokka'h'loklok'n'lur'yy'plooooooooook'nyuknyuknyukaluk m'shleeeeeeeeeeee'h'suffa-yockyock-pl'shoth. And New Franceland is going by the name of Mooseopolis right now. Oklahoma's due to be reintegrated into the newly dissolved Collective of a Bunch of States in a month, before it secedes again.
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You are so misguided, it is actually the cart pushers who rule. Hence why I own most of the world...



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