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Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest



I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and I thought it was a really good movie. The special effects and costumes were amazing, especially Davy Jones and all his tentacles. The plot wasn't too bad, but it could have been cleaned up a bit. Also, the sword fights were really cool, it's surprising how athletic the special effects people can make the actors look. I'm pretty sad that many people didn't like the movie, but I guess I'm just like that since loads of people loved Napoleon Dynamite and I thought that it was the worst movie I had ever seen.


P.S. Happy 5th Birthday BZP! :happydance:


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I swear everyone in the world is getting to see PotC 2 except me. :(


I actually heard the movie was really good from most people, sure not as good as the first, but haven't met/read anyone that hasen't hated it.


Napolien is supposed to be the worst movie ever, but thats why its so popular. :P

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I'm someone who liked it a LOT!! I didn't know that a lot of people didn't like it. Huh, something must be wrong with the people who don't like it then.



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I, too, liked Pirates 2. It's just the ending that bothers me. But other than that, it had me up to the last minute.

What's funny is that my friend called me earlier today and said he wouldn't mind if there wasn't a Pirates 3. (but they basically started filming right after the second)

But I agree: The sword fights were cool, and the other moments where the actors needed to look athletic, such as when Jack is escaping from the cannibal with the bamboo on his back. Funny.

The whole movie was great, and I'd love to see it again, wouldn't you?

oh, I heard some things from that same friend, that can be recognized if seen again (highlight):

Barbosa is back because, apparently, if you die, you go to "World's End" So, when the witch lady said they needed someone who could sail the seas (really well, possibly back to World's End), he would be it, because he sailed from World's End.

And Davy Jones' lost love is the witch lady. When Jack is in the "house" and taking things from the witch's table, there is a sort of pendant, or piece of metal (possibly on a necklace) shaped like the key they all need, which Davy has/had.

I would recommend that anyone who hasn't seen it yet, go see it. And if you haven’t seen the first yet, rent that from Blockbuster first and then see Pirates 2.

Although some BZP members are under 13, so check with your parent(s) first.

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Yeah, PoTC2 was pretty good. I saw it the afternoon it was released.


I agrre that it could've been done a little better with the storyline, but, man, the special effects made up for so much of it. I'd go again, just to see all the computerized stuff.


Oh, I totally agree about Napoleon Dynamite. Worst. Movie. EVER. >< I watched for the first time on an 8-hour bus ride to SC, and I literally fell asleep halfway through it. It was so pointless.



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Well, the ratings charts I've seen place it higher than any other movie (ever), and not just for the first few days--the "revisit" rate appears to be quite high too. Methinks these "many" who didn't like it are just the vocal minority, kinda like the vocal minority for Bionicle. ;)

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Well, the ratings charts I've seen place it higher than any other movie (ever), and not just for the first few days--the "revisit" rate appears to be quite high too. Methinks these "many" who didn't like it are just the vocal minority, kinda like the vocal minority for Bionicle. ;)

:o Wikipedia lied to me?


Ah well, at least I finally agree with the critics. :D

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