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I got my braces yesterday, and they hurt. Bad. Very bad. It took about two hours to get them on... I got to sleep in since I was having the day off (my teeth would be hurting pretty bad after the operation)... I found out there's a bunch of foods I can't have, and I'm ticked... And I also can't have much Diet Coke, or soda in general, since chemicals in it weaken the cement holding my braces to my teeth. Nutttts.


And it hurts still. I'm taking Tylenol and stuff, but it still hurts. Even soft foods... *sigh* And I have a cankersore in my mouth, agitated by the braces.




In other news, one classmate stabbed another with a pen today. He was goofing around and he stabbed the guy five times in the back with a pen, and it penetrated the clothing. He got in trouble, of course. This happened in Science class, right next to me. Literally, the guy sat near me and he was sitting there when he got stabbed.


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Wow, 2 hours? When I got my braces, it only took a 1/2 hour. Of course, I only got uppers, but still, 2 HOURS?!

Get used to the pain, man.

Take it from a guy who had his braces for a year, you'll be feeling the pain alot in the time you have the braces.

Especially if and when you get them tightened.

Luckily, I had mine removed recently, so I no longer feel the pain.

UNluckily, I'm getting lowers this fall. Blasted teeth >_< .

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HA! Now YOU TOO have to suffer with those orthodontal instruments of sadism! HA HA!............Try living with them for FIVE FREAKING YEARS! (And counting!)..........My teeth are really screwed up............

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Man, I know what you're going through, when I got got mine on they hurt for two weeks later. It becomes almost impossilbe to eat anything except pudding.


Hold in there though, GMan, you just wait enough month or so and you won't even know they're there.





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