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Cool. Well, here goes:

Name: Nujako

Element: Ice

Side: Good

Powers: Able to change his shape into anything living he can imagine.

Wepons: Ice Spear

History: Not much is known about the elusive Nujako. Origin from the little known island fortress of Malaha Nui, he was a member of a super-secret oganization of Super-Toa, named SAOSS, he went missing after the Brotherhood of Makuta discovered them, and attacked their Fortress Island, wiping out the entire race. All, except Nujako, who escaped during the seige. He completly dissapered for 5,000 years, untill he was discovered on Mertu Nui in Ko-Metru by a matoran during a blizzard. There he was taken in by Lhikann and his new team. Nujako is immensly powerfull and intelligent. He doesnt talk often(ice toa, remember?), but when he does, it is usually something important. He is the planner of the Team.

Edit: Nujako wears the Kanohi Kutaku, the Mask of Mimic. It allows him to change his form into any living thing he wants. This also allows him to mimic any powers that form has(ex. change into Vakama, also mimics his mask power). The Kutaku is shaped like a bright blue Akaku.

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Whew, haven't posted here in a long time


Name: DexStar

Element: Ice

Side: Neutral

Powers: The ability to copy powers

Wepons: Ice Spear, Zael Blade

History: No-one knows much about Dex's history apart from that she is really good at rahi taming and has anger issues

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Can I join? Well,


Name:Toa Krakash



Weapons:Lava spear

Powers(mask powers,additional powers, etc):The mask of torture,Magma

History:A Toa with a mean attitude,Krakash tends to work alone. Though he can be seen to help others when they need help. He is a member of the Toa galahk,a team who Krakash is the second last member of. He has a very dark past. He sold his soul to Makuta of Kalak-nui,and worked for the brotherhood at one stage. He preferes not to tell anyone about his past.


-Krakash Nuva

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personallity:happy, cheerful, and hyperactive he has all the caractoristics of a le matoran but the power of a toa of fire

history: the time he was on lhikan's team was the happiest time of his life, ever since he heard about lhikan and his story he had admired him and wanted to be like him. he was very very very devastated when lhikan died

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