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Server Stats Looking Much Better



I keep an eye on the server stats - how many people visit per day and month, how many hits we get, how many page views, how much bandwidth is sent out per day, and so on. For the most part, it's fairly consistent over the last year, with peaks and valleys that correspond to new products and announcements or server issues, respectively. With last week's server problems, the stats took a noticeable trip south.


But now that everything's been fixed (or so I believe at this point), we're actually looking really good. The number of times the server's been unavailable is very, very low, and we're keeping the load consistent even during most peak times. I've noticed sometimes it takes maybe 30 seconds or more to load a page during peak hours, but that doesn't happen nearly as often as it used to (as in before last week).


This is all good news now that school's about to get out, so BZPower should be more sturdy and available more often when you want to get on. We've also finally gotten the email issue fixed.


Just in case anyone's interested - the number of hits went from about 1.7 million per day earlier this month back up to 2.6 million per day, where it should be. Bandwidth picked back up too, from about 10GB/day up to 14GB/day (we've peaked at 35GB/day in the past). We've also seen more daily visitors: rather than 20,000 unique visitors per day, we're seeing more like 23,000/day. And the number of page views shows the most dramatic change: from 277,000/day back up to 438,000/day. So you guys are able to get more pages loaded now - even with the larger number of posts viewable on a page (I changed that from 30 to 40 earlier this month).


I'm always cautiously optimistic when it comes to the server load and stats, though. Every time I make a change, it seems to get better for a while, then slow back down again. So I'm not really holding my breath. Apparently for every improvement I make, the amount of traffic and usage increases to where the gains are nullified.


So enjoy it while you can. It may not last.


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(XD, how ironic. I'm getting an IPS Drive Error in another window as I write this)


Well, that's all good Bink, but honestly, does that server ever smoke?



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So I'm not gonna do any more server entries in my blog, since all I get is $. ;)

I'm having fun trying to fill in the blanks. :D

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