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Kanohi Mahri Renamed

ToM Dracone


One of the many reasons I like 2001 and 2 best of the Bionicle years is the sound of the names, either borrowed from or based on Maori. (Ignore the fiasco resulting from the former for the moment.) 2001 established the Pacific islander sound, and 2002 added the terminal k and silent h's that completed the general sound and appearance of the names.


2006 and 2007, however, changed this. The general phonetics remain, but now there are all manner of new consonants and consonant combinations, and the names sound far more like English than Maori. Maxilos. Spinax. Hydraxon. Carapar. Mantax. Zakaz. Zyglak. You see? Even if the name isn't specifically English-derived, it's anything but Maori. It makes perfect sense – Bionicle has changed enormously, and the tropical island feel has been completely lost, and as we're going to new places we find new styles of names. But all Matoran speak the same language, so one thing I'd like to keep constant is the orignal sound – or close to it – for Matoran names... like the Kanohi.


The Mahri's Kanohi names are one thing I specifically dislike. I don't mind anglicized names for other stuff (besides Matoran themselves), but I would rather the Kanohi adhered to the original sound of Bionicle.


Faxon – Kanohi Faso :: There were almost no x's at all, so that became an s, and "on" is a distinctly non-Maori ending. So it became o.


Arthron – Kanohi Araho :: "Th" is another sound absent from early Bionicle (but h was very common), and three consonantal sounds in a row was something unheard of on Mata Nui. The only time there were even two consonants in a row was a diphthong like "ng" in Kongu, so those were separated, and, in th case of the second r, dropped.


Tryna – Kanohi Tanau :: This I just made up because I thought the name Tryna sounded too weak for such a powerful mask as Matoro has. Tanau is a much stronger word. Y was also not to be found as a vowel early on...


Zatth – Kanohi Zatahu :: Augh! Z was another almost absent sound early on, but there was at least the Krana Za, so I kept that. But a combination like "tth" is just illogical anyway, hard to figure out how to pronounce literally, and above all absolutely nothing like Maori on more than one level.


Kanohi Garai :: I like this one. Simple, no consonantal diphthongs, only a vowel one, which is very common in Bionicle. I also think it has an earthy sound to it, fitting for a mask of gravity.


Kanohi Volitak :: While I'm not thrilled with the name, it at least follows all the rules established in 2001 and 2...


So there you have it. My thoughts on the names of the Mahri's Kanohi, since I prefer the Maori feel of 2001 to the English feel of 2007...



Additionally, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Aaaaugh! *tries not to panic* To those of you who have had them out already, how long does it take to heal afterward? And what about eating?


*runs around in circles*

~ ToM


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While I'm not pleased with all the names recently (particularly Gadunka, which is why I'm concerned about Makuta's real name), I thought the Kanohi names were pretty cool. Tryna, Zatth and Volitak are my favorites.


Too bad the Arthron and Faxon are the only ones that LOOK like masks...

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Love your mask names -- not in the least because I fully agree with your reasoning behind them. Being a bit of a Tolkien / linguistic fan (freak) myself, I always take the time needed to make a fictive name fit the mood and occasion. Just as those up there do. ^_^


Especially Tanau and Araho are delicious!



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Huh, to me the names sound more Latin-y than English-y. The only one I don't like, really, is Faxon, for the reason Wind stated above. The others are passable to me. I also don't like the copious occurences of the letter "x". It's a good shortcut when thinking up non-copyrighted names, but this is just overdoing it...


And also, I just had my wisdom teeth removed last week, all four of them. It takes about a week to recover completely. You pretty much have to lie down all day the first 24 hours, but it's okay after that. And I couldn't eat anything except soup, oatmeal, porridge, and mashed potatoes. In other words, no solid food.


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Faxon, Faxoff. Whee!

In regards to your query regarding "wisdom" teeth, I personally have not had the dubious pleasure of having said teeth removed, but one of my friends has. She says it really hurt, but she thinks she didn't notice it so much at the time because she was doped out on opiates for most of the weekend. She also claims to have seen a small black and white dog during this period, but the accuracy of that statement will likely never be verified.





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The only one that bugs me in terms of word origin is "arthron." The one mask name with a meaning has absolutely nothing to do with what it means! I actually don't mind names with non-Maori sounding names (the MNOLG2 was full of them, with origins ranging from Latin to Finnish), but at least make the meaning relate to the person or thing it names!


Byt seriously, the names are all tolerable, except maybe "Zatth."


- :vahi:


EDIT: Wow, I still used the short signoff back then! O_o But anyway, on to critique.


Some BIONICLE mask names which plague you have bugged me as well, namely Arthron (because if you're going to use a real word or root, use one that means something pertinent to the mask or character) and Zatth (not because I dislike the spelling, but because I dislike the simplicity of the pronunciation-- I'd have preferred if it sounded like "Zat'th"). However, I prefer these names to your Maori-ized variants, though this could very easily be personal preference.


Faso: Sounds too real for me. And too soft. It might be better if the K was kept; that soft sound is on the whole absent from early BIONICLE. Fakau, maybe? Fako?


Araho: Sounds too soft. Regardless of the lack of physical power, sonar is a power that reeks of intensity, and thus an intense name is called for. Also, classic BIONICLE laft soft-sounding names for the most part. Arato sounds better to me, though it brings to mind Erato, the muse of love poetry, so that idea is shot. How about Aretanu? Ateranu? There are various options out there.


Tanau: I definitely prefer Tryna. Certainly the mask is powerful, but it is not an intense power, but one that seems in my eyes to merit a name that's more sepulchral than Tanau. Tarai, perhaps, would be a suitable replacement that sounds similar, but too similar to Garai, of which we share a high opinion. Atarai, perhaps?


Zatahu: Perhaps; it's possibly the name I like best. However, the obvious "Tahu" in the latter part turns me off to this name, as do many names where identical spelling and pronunciation to past names are found. Sataho? Zataho? These make use of an end sound that seems to me more unique.


Garai: Good. Volitak: Good.


Hope you find this and reply with your own opinions; I've never had a proper debate about spelling and pronunciations.

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