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Ask Dr. Bionicle!

Dr. Bionicle


Boy, that brings back memories.


That's right, ask me anything about myself. Granted they're appropriate questions, I'll answer anything.



Dr. Bionicle


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1) What rock bands do you like?

2) What instrument do you play?

3) What would you like to be when you reach adulthood?

4) If you could have a super-power, what would it be?

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This is the fourth staff member I've seen start a "Ask me anything" entry...

  • Do you have any pets?
  • What's your favorite book or movie?

I'll ask more later.

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Why won't Tufi tell me why 42 is the answer to everything?

Can you tell me why 42 is the answer to everything?

Why is 42 the answer to everything?

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1) What rock bands do you like?

2) What instrument do you play?

3) What would you like to be when you reach adulthood?

4) If you could have a super-power, what would it be?

1) My preferences are generally Relient K, Switchfoot, DCTalk, Queen, and some Kansas. Those are pretty much my top choices.

2) French Horn, Trumpet, Piano, Guitar, and Bass.

3) I'd like the option of being a novelist, though what I'd do for a living I haven't decided on yet. I'd like to stay hooked into the music industry, though, whether just for fun or on a somewhat higher level.

4) Super Strength, FTW.


This is the fourth staff member I've seen start a "Ask me anything" entry...

  • Do you have any pets?
  • What's your favorite book or movie?
I'll ask more later.

I have an old Bischon Frise named Scamper, and two cats: Beans and Rascal.


My favorite movie is hard to decide. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is pretty sweet, as are National Treasure, Oceans Eleven, and Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. There are definitely others, but those come to mind at the moment.


As for my favorite novel, I'll have to come back to that later. Too many good choices.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was Chuck Norris?

None. He'd just roundhouse kick it and it'd chuck itself.


Why won't Tufi tell me why 42 is the answer to everything?

Can you tell me why 42 is the answer to everything?

Why is 42 the answer to everything?



Why isn't Mythias beating the tar out of the Six yet?


Which three RPG Contest entries are you hoping for?



Because my time has been extremely limited as of recent.


And I'll have to come back to that for when I actually get a shot at looking at the RPGC Entries.



. Dr. B .

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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was Chuck Norris?

None. He'd just roundhouse kick it and it'd chuck itself.

Ahh, it's all so clear now. Thanks.
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Just wondering.


- Do you have a girlfriend?

- Is she a BZP member?

- Are you this cool in real life?


- :vahi:?

1) Yes, actually, that's a recent development.


2) No, she doesn't know hardly anything about Bionicle (but I still think she's awesome anyway :P ).


3) Depends on who you ask. I try to act the same way in real life as I do here, as far as attitude goes. I don't get the benefit of reading every thought in plain text before I "post" it, like I do here, but I think one thing this site has taught me (Yeah, I was actually learning things) is to think before I say things.


So, cool? Eh... I guess so.



:P Dr. B :P

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Wow, I remember this topic a loooong time ago on the lego forums. Only you were answering Bionicle questions...


1) Is the thing I posted above true?

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What's the Ultimate Answer to life, the universe, and everything?


What's the Ultimate Question to life, the universe, and everything?


How many H2GT2G references have there been in this entry so far?

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Wow, I remember this topic a loooong time ago on the lego forums. Only you were answering Bionicle questions...


1) Is the thing I posted above true?



Is the grass greener on the other side?

Yes. Neon green.


How many roads must a man walk?

However many it takes till he hits a rest stop.


What's the Ultimate Answer to life, the universe, and everything?



What's the Ultimate Question to life, the universe, and everything?



How many H2GT2G references have there been in this entry so far?




:P Dr. B :P

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Well, I got few questions for you, so here:

1) Why did I pick Jedi Master J. as my username?

2) Have you read Jurassic Park before? If you have read it, what did you think of it?

3) Do you like Star Wars?

4) What made you interest in Bionicle in the first place?

5) What staff member would you like to meet in real life?

6) What normal member would you like to meet in real life?

7) Is being a Premier Forum Assistant, stressful?

8) Have you ever took CAD/Drafting before in school?

9) Am I too formal to people on Bzpower?

10) Are you cooler than Omicron(Volar)?

11) Do you know everything about Bionicle?

12) What's your I.Q.?

Well, those were my questions. Please answer, when you have the time to. ~J.M.J.~

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*sees the number of instruments and faints*


One question, for the mercy of the Dr.:


Are you, in any way, related to Dr Who?



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1) Why did I pick Jedi Master J. as my username?

Possibly because your first name or something of the sort begins with a 'J', you have a certain appeal to Star Wars, and therefore took that respectable title and placed it with an initialization of your name.


2) Have you read Jurassic Park before? If you have read it, what did you think of it?



3) Do you like Star Wars?

I genuinely like the series, though I think Episode I could stand for a re-make.


4) What made you interest in Bionicle in the first place?

The comic art and storyline together attracted me to buy sets, which in turn attracted me to the storyline, which pushed me back to buying sets, and such. Just a cycle. Pretty soon I was viably hooked.


5) What staff member would you like to meet in real life?

Honestly, I've always been interested in meeting Bonesiii, since he was my idol for a long time, and still is someone I hold in pretty high regard.


6) What normal member would you like to meet in real life?

Either SPIRIT, my former TOTA colleague, or -Kaitan-, my overall buddy.


7) Is being a Premier Forum Assistant, stressful?

Only when you let it. If I don't read my reports or simply go out topic-hunting, then yeah, it gets kind of stressful. But not usually. I've been very lax lately, mainly because I haven't been on a whole lot.


What's stressful is BZPRPG Co-Host. Oh gaaah...


8) Have you ever took CAD/Drafting before in school?



9) Am I too formal to people on Bzpower?



10) Are you cooler than Omicron(Volar)?

Heck, I dunno. That's a matter of opinion.


11) Do you know everything about Bionicle?

No. I do know quite a bit, but not all of it.


12) What's your I.Q.?

Hmmmm... I'm not positive. I've taken an IQ Test or two, but I don't remember my exact scores. I'll take another one, and then get you the results.



*sees the number of instruments and faints*


One question, for the mercy of the Dr.:


Are you, in any way, related to Dr Who?



Nope. We pow-wow every now and again, go over the medical records that neither of us really has, but no real relation, no.


Keep 'em coming!


:P Dr. B :P


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Thanks for answering my questions. Also you were correct about why I pick Jedi Master J. as my username here. Well, I got a few more questions, so here:

1) Do I sometime regret picking Jedi Master J. as my username?

2) What's your favorite set, this year?

3) Do you still buy Bionicle sets and books?

4) Do you like where the storyline going right now?

5) What's your favorite subject in school?

6) Am I well-behaved member in your opinion?

7) If you were battling Makuta, what would you do?

8) What’s your favorite Kanohi mask?

9) If you could write any scene in the Bionicle storyline, what would it be?

10) If you could change something in the storyline, what would you change?

11) If you could control time, what would you do?

12) Do you want to be an Admin of Bzpower?

13) If you could meet any Bionicle character in real life, who would you want to meet?

14) Who would you rather spend the day with Omicron or Ninjo?

15) What's your favorite food?

16) Do you have any Nintendo games?

17) Have you read any Harry Potter books before?

18) What's your favorite Piraka?

19) If you could make a new Toa element, what element would it be?

20) What character did you like most from the 2006 storyline?

21) Why do most Staff members have brown hair?

22) What job are you thinking of spending the rest of your life doing?


Well, those are my questions. I just like to note you may skip number 1, if you like. If you are wondering why I am ask you that for number 1, it is to see if you can tell why having a username like Jedi Master J. is regretful. Of course, I am not giving answer away here unless you try to answer that one. Anyway, please answer these when you have the time to. ~J.M.J.~

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Doesn't it suck that the Ducks won the Stanley Cup?

Doesn't it suck that San Antonio won the NBA Playoffs?

Isn't the weather nice?

Isn't it cold in the winter here (I'm in Canada)?

Is it cold in the winter there (where you live)?

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Thanks for answering my questions. Also you were correct about why I pick Jedi Master J. as my username here. Well, I got a few more questions, so here:

2) What's your favorite set, this year?

3) Do you still buy Bionicle sets and books?

4) Do you like where the storyline going right now?

5) What's your favorite subject in school?

6) Am I well-behaved member in your opinion?

7) If you were battling Makuta, what would you do?

8) What’s your favorite Kanohi mask?

9) If you could write any scene in the Bionicle storyline, what would it be?

10) If you could change something in the storyline, what would you change?

11) If you could control time, what would you do?

12) Do you want to be an Admin of Bzpower?

13) If you could meet any Bionicle character in real life, who would you want to meet?

14) Who would you rather spend the day with Omicron or Ninjo?

15) What's your favorite food?

16) Do you have any Nintendo games?

17) Have you read any Harry Potter books before?

18) What's your favorite Piraka?

19) If you could make a new Toa element, what element would it be?

20) What character did you like most from the 2006 storyline?

21) Why do most Staff members have brown hair?

22) What job are you thinking of spending the rest of your life doing?




3) I buy Bionicle sets when I'm really impressed with them, unlike the past few years where I've basically bought them to buy them. The books I never bought, but I constantly borrow from my friend Alan, who is much more plugged into the Bionicle Universe than I am at the moment.

4) I think the storyline's going in a good direction, it just needs to take on the proper writing technique. I'd hate to play the Pit/Mahri Nui with constant witty banter, since it is a very dark situation. I would like to see a darker, richer side of Bionicle be exposed in this line, and if that were to happen, I would truly be impressed.

5) Music, first and foremost. Band Geek and Choir Boy. Next would be English.

6) Quite honestly, I don't see a whole lot of you, so I can't really judge. Basing off of what I have seen of you, yes, I would say so.

7) Wake up. :P

8) I'm a pretty big fan of the Hau, simply because it has a very cool power and a very cool design.

9) The final showdown with the Barraki would be a scene I would love to write, especially with all the great dialogue and action that could come out of it.

10) The banter. While I thought the Piraka banter was fairly appropriate, it soon grew stale once it came up every other line of dialog. Considering the Barraki's former glory, I would very much like to see some more elegant villainy. I think that if the overall sincerity of the situation was truly reflected in the characters, the storyline would be batting a thousand.

11) Try and get rid of my power. I don't trust myself with time.

12) Not now, and probably not ever. That's a lot of responsibility and commitment. I'd greatly prefer staying on the lower class Staff.

13) Lhikan, definitely. He's the ultimate Bionicle hero for me, and I'd love to explore his life.

14) Ninjo. Omi's cool and all, but Ninjo pretty much peaks the ownage factor.

15) Probably...pizza. That's really unhealthy, yes, but I sure do love pizza. ^_^

16) I used to be a Gameboy addict, though my games were few and all eBay-bought. I did have one Pokemon game, which I was heavily addicted to for a while. A little Star Wars, a little LotR, some random racing games, Mario, and even a Galidor game. But I never bothered with any of the big consoles.

17) I read the Sorcerer's Stone, and while the writing technique was exceptional, I didn't care for the theme or story.

18) Zaktan has the twisted mind of a psychotic, but I get the idea we only saw his "silly" side of the storyline. I get the feeling that there's a wacko inside Zaktan that could unleash some great storyline potential.

19) I think that the Element of Nature would be very intriguing. Lewa appeared to have some natural control, but that seemed to fade away later in the storyline. To see some real nature "benders" would be awesome.

20) I liked Vezok/Vezon, since the conflict there was so tense, and they did a pretty fair job playing that up. I'd still like to see those two duke it out for real, though.

21) 'Cause brunettes have more fun. The T-Shirts say so.

22) Quite honestly, I'd like to be in either the musical industry and/or the writing business, although how I'll channel either of those is over my head, still.


Doesn't it suck that the Ducks won the Stanley Cup?

Doesn't it suck that San Antonio won the NBA Playoffs?

Isn't the weather nice?

Isn't it cold in the winter here (I'm in Canada)?

Is it cold in the winter there (where you live)?

-Don't keep up with NHL...

-Don't keep up with NFL...


-I'll bet.

-Kansas, Temperate Zone of the USA. We get hot-hot summers and cold-cold winters. Yeah, the winters do get pretty cold down here.



Thanks for the questions!



^_^ Dr. B ^_^

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Wow. This takes me back... XD


I don't you'd remember it, but I used to ask you sososo many questions back in the Ask Dr. Bionicle topic on the Lego Blog.


So anyways... Here's a few questions.


Zyrul or the Six, which would you preffer to RP?

Also, which of the Six do you like most?

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Nother question: Why haven't you ended the Suva Nui battle yet, and when do you plan to? :P

I actually kicked that back into action today. I hope to draw out the Mythias/Six Duel to a decent extent, and this is a fairly significant battle. There are still a few things that need to come into play before I can end it. I've only been able to focus on these lately because I'm not so ridiculously busy as I was the past three weeks.


Wow. This takes me back... XD


I don't you'd remember it, but I used to ask you sososo many questions back in the Ask Dr. Bionicle topic on the Lego Blog.


So anyways... Here's a few questions.


Zyrul or the Six, which would you preffer to RP?

Also, which of the Six do you like most?

I'd probably prefer RPing the Six, in all honesty, because the characters play off of each other pretty well, and a group of warriors is always way more fun than just one guy. I mean, I gotta' love Zyrul, but the Six are more fun to RP for me personally.


My personal favorite of the Six is probably Tseero. He's a confused character, although he tries to portray himself as very confident. Being the newbie of the Six means he's much more prone and expected to make mistakes, which is what makes him work so hard. I like Tseero's drive, and I think that his conflict with Rashnan could set up some great possibilities in the future.


Not to mention, Tseero's got mad skillz and the coolest name.


:P Dr. B :P

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1.) How many times have I fired you? I keep losing track

That depends. Are we just doing all the times Smeagol's fired me, or are we including Gollum too?


:P Dr. B :P

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