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Know Your Bionicle



I must honestly admit that at the Voya Nui saga, I totally lost track of what was happening. All I knew were of Piraka, Matoran becoming Toa, and somehow two Titans from the Order of Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta - though an Umbra appeared somewhere and disappeared.


And for Mahri Nui, the Toa transform into new bodies and become Toa Mahri, and we get yellow to replace brown. There's a yellow Matoran, Dekar, green Defilak - two instead of six, and six Barraki - and a freakish creature called Nocturn.


Now, it's good to know your Bionicle, especially when everything is moving at a quick pace. I know that now Greg writes the story in the books and no longer do we see the updates on the website. It's safe to say I lost the storyline once Voya Nui's Matoran got hit by antidermis, and it lapsed into the Mask of Life falling into the sea. (I wonder how on earth Mata Nui can still be alive at this rate.)


But I must stress still - even if you know so little, it's good to know your Bionicle.


I've only one case to show this as proof: A LEGO merchandise promotion went on at a mall and I so happened to be there.


There were three boys arguing with their father and a salesman that the Bionicle they wanted was green as was not Nocturn. And no, it was not a Toa (obviously, unless the Toa Mahri came to our shores faster than yours.) Nor a Matoran.


The salesman was scratching his head. The father was frustrated.


I, however, was in the know.


"Do you need help?"


The salesman looked at me quizically.


"The boys want Ehlek the Barraki, at that shelf over there."


The salesman brought the mentioned toy, and the boys happily pulled their father to make the purchase.


Know your Bionicle. It could help you one fine day.




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Haha, nice!

I completely lost track at Voya Nui as well (in fact, it takes a jog to my memory to recall that Voya Nui isn't the newest thingie...er, right?) and now I'm just a babbling...babbler.


I like to pretend that it stopped at Metru Nui, and after they all went to Metru-Nui, they came back, and just lived out Motago stories at Mata-Nui. :P

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Sometiems it is fun to just stand around store shelves and watch people talk about Bionicle sets and have no clue what they're looking at. Yay for a toy theme with crazy names. :)



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Yes. I love it when stuff like this happens. Though a lady at TRU thought I worked there just because I told her where more Bionicles were (because of course stores never put things together. Always on two or more shelves). A Lego Store employee was saying they were out of one of the four smell sets (I think Dekar, yellow), when I knew he was there so I walked over, pulled him out from behind the others, set it down, and the kid's like "See. There it is." Really fun.
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I often find myself in the same situation. "The set yo're looking for is Matoro." - "I recommend Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga" - "Shopping for your boyfriend ey?" etc.

I have a gift :P

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