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Sickly Weekend

Spoony Bard


So after I saw Fantastic Four and the Silver Dude with my friends, we went to the nearby Burgar King for a quick bite to eat. Now I don't regularly eat there (Mcdonalds FTW), in fact the last time I had eaten there previously was like a year ago. I had myself a chicken sandwich and some chicken tenders. Sandwich was good, but the tenders were kinda meh.


So since then I been sick to the stomach and been making the occasional "runs". Gross I know, but it happens.


So I no feel good.




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Yeah, I'm going to have to say Wendy's is great! I like the Spicy Chicken Sandwich, and then of course there's the Frosties! (I hear fries dipped in them works, but I've never tried)


Ever seen "Supersize Me"? Since I saw that I don't think I've had a burger or anything else (other than ice cream, but I hear that has stuff in it too) since them.


Get well soon



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Wendy's? Ew.







Quickly, my friends! We must brainwash him into liking one of the better fast food restaraunts out there today!


*has heavy-duty duct tape*



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Wendy's? Ew.







Quickly, my friends! We must brainwash him into liking one of the better fast food restaraunts out there today!


*has heavy-duty duct tape*




*gets a Frosty*

Convert the heathen!

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I hear that you can dip your fries into frosties (and it tastes good)

haven't done this though, somebody want to be a guinee pig? (I totally butcherd guinee gini guini pig.......?)


-CF :usa:

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I hear that you can dip your fries into frosties (and it tastes good)

haven't done this though, somebody want to be a guinee pig? (I totally butcherd guinee gini guini pig.......?)


-CF :usa:

I've done that before. It. Is. AMAZING. You must try it.


Well, I think we've successfully butchered Omi's entry. :P

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You can dip your fries in anything.


It is basic physics. Something salty can taste good with something sweet.


Can be done with 2 other products. :P



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I hear that you can dip your fries into frosties (and it tastes good)

haven't done this though, somebody want to be a guinee pig? (I totally butcherd guinee gini guini pig.......?)


-CF :usa:

I've done that before. It. Is. AMAZING. You must try it.


And make sure to dip 'em in the Original Chocolate Frostee - not the silly ol' vanilla ones, cause it doesn't taste as good. :P



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