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We're Busy! Busy! Dreadfully Busy!

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Okay, I just had a brilliant idea!


I was thinking how un-original it is to simply take a song from Veggietales and use it for the server song, although it does apply. So here's my idea. Members (other than LarryBoy or myself) can write poems, limericks, haikus, or songs about the busy server message. Without flaming, of course. A song entitled, "How Much I Hate the Busy Server Messages," wouldn't really work. Just a little thing I could use in the Busy Server Content Block. An example:


"I know that you've got lots to do

And you wanted your post to go through

But I don't care a rap

Here, pop some bubblewrap

And that's all that I can do for you"


I'm pretty sure it would be allowed, but I might have to make a topic in the Q&A to make sure, unless a Blog Assistant (always capitalize titles!) happens through this insignificant blog of mine. Okay, here's the deal. Other than BZP contests, contests are NOT allowed, however, you guys can feel free to suggest busy server messages, and I can put them all in the Busy Server Content Block. :happy:


LarryBoy: I've already got a winner of a poem:


"I am a message that is busy

And I am getting dizzy

And my root beer's kind of fizzy

Oh look, the server has quickened!"


Is quickened even a word...? :???:


I don't know.


So...I've nothing else to say here. Bye!





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*Stares back.* :lol:


We should ask the Admins to add it to one of the busy server messages. That would just rock.


Mighty interesting avatar you've got there, LK!


Is that Gandalf or Obi Wan?



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I'm pretty sure it would be allowed, but I might have to make a topic in the Q&A to make sure, unless a Blog Assistant (always capitalize titles!) happens through this insignificant blog of mine.

Lucky for me, I'm an insignificant Blog Assistant.


Anyways, I had a little pow-wow with the big boys, and we all decided that contests, for now, will remain BZP run. You may encourage people to come up with their own server messages in an entry, but having a contest is going to be frowned upon.


No more roaming free

Waiting for the lights to change

Keep hitting F5

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Okay, I'll edit the entry to let everyone know. I'm glad I can still encourage them to come up with their own, though. :D


Thanks a lot for dropping in and clearing that up for me, Makaru!



Your the 2nd to ask! Its really Barbosa from PotC. I need to find a better pic of him, but so far no luck. >>

(Pssst...what's PotC?) :lol:




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I'm working,

not taking a nap.

But I know it's soothing,

to pop bubble wrap.




We could always use more of the board messages. They used to be fun and randomized but now I've seen pretty much most of them. I mean, you could have member-made poems about the busy server, hilarious quotes from members and other things alike. It really would be fun...*idea pops up* Adding server busy messages could be a sweet premier member feature...

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I added your poem, Nukora. :D


Adding server busy messages could be a sweet premier member feature...

Suggesting them would be cool, yeah. There are several very good poets on here (why are you looking so happy, LarryBoy?) who could write some very witty limericks.


Pirates of the Caribbean silly. I am to lazy to write all of that usually!

Thanks, mi'lady!


If you want to get going

Then take a number

I'll try to fix my problems

From: The BZP Server

Adding... :happy:




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I don't know... Something like...


What? You're busy too?

Ha, Join the club, we have T shirts...


Yeah... I don't know... :unsure:

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Uh...hi, I'm a relative unknown here, but I've got a cool idea for your song!


All may not realize,

But is our dear Hapori Tohu behind the busy server?

'Coz all you here from him nowadays,

Is...well, nothing.

Or a deep "TOHU IS HAPPY." :P

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Dada, dada da da! :music:


There you are, cruisin' away,

And then the serv'r gets in the way,

It makes ya mad, it makes ya sad,

But wait a bit, and it's back, hooray!


Yeah, I don't really know if it's good or not. :rolleyes:

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Believe it or not

The server isn't at home

Please leave a message

At the beep

I must be out

Or I'd pick up the phone

Where could I be

Believe it or not

I'm not home!

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I hate the server

The server hates me,

'Cos whenever I need to do something

It's always so busy!


It really ticks me off to see that stupid ol' red block,

That says "the server's busy!"

It frustrates me, it's stupid and

It gets me in a tizzy!


I chuck stuff at the monitor,

I shoot stuff with a gun,

But all this "server busy" crud

Is denying me my fun!


It causes evil double posts

And triple posts too,

I really loathe the server,

How about yooouuuu?!


Yay! :lol:



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When a Server Busy Message is up,

Call for Tohu and his pup,

He'll put on his spell,

and all will be well,

And Tohu makes limericks that are long winded and don't even rhyme>_<.


Server Busy, Please try again... and all of that junk 'bout Bubble Wrap.



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Heres mine!


Have fun while I'm busy,

I like you in a Tizzy!

I love the expression,

when you're in depression.

Get mad at me now,

I'm fast as a sad sow.

I'm slow as a snail,

when you're checking your mail.

Ha Ha! It's fun to be busy!


That's it! I hope you like it. :)

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Sing to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner, the USA's national anthem:


Oh, say, do you know?

Why the server won't go?


What so proudly we hailed

At the bubblewrap's gleeming.


And the member's red glare!

F5 keys bursting through air!

Gave proof, through the night.

That the server ain't there.


Oh say, why me?

Does the server bother?

In the forums, of the mad!

And the members are sad.


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