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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Another new component for the computer. I feel a sense of urgency about finishing it, to be honest. It's taking 4 months from thought to first boot.

Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 SATA 3.0 Gb/s 400 GB hard drive [gallery]


Two reasons why I waited so long to buy it.

  1. When I first picked it out in March, it cost $130. I bought it Wednesday for $100.

    The price of computer components has been steadily trickling down, making way for the newer stuff. This is why a conspicuously key component remains absent from my "bought" list. Anyone paying attention should be able to determine what component that is. I'll give you two guesses.

  2. Unlike every previous component, I only have a 30 day period (instead of 365 days) to determine if it will work or not. Thus, purchase close to completion.
I remember the computer Mr. Chico (Raphael Capo, next door neighbor back home in Moss Bluff) built for us back in the day. The one with the Pro Audio 16 sound card. I thought we were something to have a 386, with a 50 MB and a 330 MB hard drive. Now, 15 years later, I have a single drive that's more than a thousand times the size, combined.


Oh, the memories....



I'll be honest, though: that hard disk is not the purpose of this entry.


I've mentioned Amanda before. Quite a few times, to be honest. Even if it hasn't always been by name.

Her birthday is tomorrow, and she'll turn 26.


I've known her since 2001, before BZ ever existed. We were summer missionaries, waiting for film to be developed in a CVS Pharmacy in Kent, OH, when I found an Onua canister on the shelf.

She was there for my college graduation, as I was hers.

I narrowly missed her return to the states from Ecuador a year ago this month.

We've shared Saints games, late night phone conversations, and of course, two Pieces of the Puzzle. (something for a later entry)


What can I say, except that for the first time in a long time, nay, too long, I have the feeling of being party to something bigger than myself.

It's not about me.

For this weekend, it's about her.

In the grand scheme, it's about us.

And right now, it's about what I've got to do to make "us" work.


So, right now, after posting this, I'm going to get in my car and log the 300 miles to Monroe. I have a dozen roses that I'm not sure how I'll wrap, and with intentions of working half the dozen into a "Happy Birthday" thing I will purchase upon exiting the interstate. Back in February, the roses were supposed to be white. No more hem-hawing or posturing. Today, they're red, and that's not by mistake.


I'm coming, Amanda. I love you in agape, and in philaeo, and I hope that we can take it a step further. I was afraid I'd lost you when you left for Quito. Permit me a moment of avarice to say that I don't want to lose you to a seminary before we ever got started.




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Aww, Byron. That's sweet. :P But I'll be praying for you man, I'm sure that 300 miles is going to be full of butterflies desperately trying to escape your stomach.


Good luck! :)

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